Chapter 32

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Collins P.O.V.

"Behave tonight Collins, and I trust those boys so don't do something to make me change my mind," my mother warned handing me the last of my things to spend the night after the party. "Don't forget baby Jay-Z!" she called as I was almost out the door. 

"Can you take care of him just for tonight mom?" I pleaded. "Let me have some fun without the thing."

"Fine, go leave me here with your project," she said pretending to be sad. 

"Love you mom, thanks," I said quickly hugging her and leaving that stupid baby project with her to deal with.

Tonight was the party and I was pumped. Liam and I haven't really talked since the 'almost kiss'  happened, all we've said to each other were a couple of,  "hey's" and "what's up?". When I arrived at the  hotel Harry was outside waiting for me. 

"Hey, chick," he said giving me a side hug.

"Hey Harold," I replied by placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go on up to the party," Harry smiled and lead the way.

This was going to be a fun night I could already tell. "Hey Collins!" Louis shouted as I entered the hotel room. Louis then ran over to me and enveloped me in a hug. "Louis have you been drinking?" I asked because his breath smelt awful. "Of course!" Louis hollered in return to my question. "Okay," I said, just pushing him off of me. 

I then wen't and said my hello's to the rest of the boys. I think they all were a little tipsy but Louis was the worst; Harry was getting more drunk by the minute though. 

"Hey Collins," Liam said approaching me.

"Hey Liam," I replied back.

"You don't look like your having fun," Liam pointed out.

"Everyone's drunk, you can't really have a proper conversation with anyone."

"Your having a conversation with me, and I have only had one drink and it was a small one," Liam continued.

I just laughed. "Wanna go dance or something?" Liam asked nicely.

"Nah, you go ahead and dance with Danielle," I said pointing to Danielle who was dancing with her glass of alcohol. Liam stood up and left me at the kitchen bar. This was one of those times when you just wan't your best friend around to talk to you, but I know Macy's in a better place. 

As I was sitting at the kitchen bar with tears pricking at my eyes, I looked out of the corner of my eye and wished all together that I didn't see what I was looking at...

Harry was making out with Danielle.

That was it I jumped down from the bar and started rummaging through the crowd of people to find Liam. I'm tired of people using me and Liam both. I finally found him with some girl and they were inches away from kissing.

"Oh, no you don't Liam Payne if your going to cheat on Danielle with someone it's gonna be me!" I shouted at Liam and pried the girl off of Liam. 

"I wasn't about to cheat Collins!" Liam shouted over the loud music. "I was just talking to her!"

"She wanted more Liam, trust me!" I hollered back.

"Liam, Danielle is cheating on you with Harry!" I shouted. "Harry is cheating on me too!"

Liam's face turned from a smile ear to ear to a frown and a ghost white complexion. "Not again," I saw Liam mouth and then his face grew red, with anger. Liam pushed me up against the wall hardly, and truthfully it scared me to death. 

"I didn't do anything Liam!" I said raising my hands in defense and pure terror. 

"You don't know how bad I wanna kiss you right now," Liam huffed only inches away from my face.

Even though I was scared out of my mind I managed to man up and grab Liam shirt collar. "Then why don't you man up Liam Payne, and kiss me?" I shouted inches away from his face.

"I don't wanna stoop to their level," Liam admitted.

"For goodness sake Li-," I was cut off by Liam finally taking my advice and smashing his lips to mine; he was actually hurting me though. I guess he was taking his anger out on my lips, he even bit my lip which made me back away.  "Awh Liam!" I shouted. "I wanted you to kiss me not bite me."

"I'm sorry I'll be more gentle," Liam replied and then grabbed my waist. I started playing with the short hairs on the back of his head which made him smile. 

"I still strongly dislike you Liam," I laughed when we took a break.

"Good, cause your a better kisser when you hate me," he smarted back.

"Are you trying to make me dislike you more?" I questioned while laughing.

"Just shut up for once," Liam said then continued doing what we had been previously doing. 

"Liam James Payne, Collins Elizabeth Taylor!" a drunk Louis shouted. "Make out shesh?" 

"I saw Danielle and Harry making out," I told Louis.

"Oh, payback?" Louis asked. "Good way to do that, well I'm gonna go dance to 'The Wanted'' , Louis said clapping his hands and danced away.

"I thought you guys have a fued with 'The Wanted'?" I questioned Liam.

"We do, Louis is just crazy!" Liam shouted over "I Found You".

"Oh, so what do we do about Harry and Danielle?" I asked curiously.

"I have a plan...," Liam said then grabbed my hands and took me to the dance floor.

Hey Guys! So when this story is over do you think I should do a sequel to this book or a different Fan Fiction with one of the other boys? This book is a pretty good ways from being over, but I can go ahead and be thinking... just leave your opinion in the comments (:  ALSO PLEASE VOTE, OR ADD!



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