Chapter 12

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Liam's P.O.V.

Okay I'm so confused one minute I'm asleep dreaming peacefully for once and then get this rather awkward awaking from Collins. I mean it wasn't a bad awaking just out of the blue. Who just randomly kisses you when your not awake and then has no idea why they did it afterwards,that's how I knew she was lying. Collins is not the best liar. I can read people like a book and Collins twitches and looks away from you when shes lying kind of like Harry when he is just talking to you in a everyday conversation. 

Then, the worst part of my morning happened when I decided that I should just kiss Collins so she would shut up and stop lying when Louis just so happened to walk in with his perfect timing and all.(note the sarcasm) 

"Liam and Collins are kissing!" Louis shouted for the whole floor of the hotel to hear and woke Niall and Macy up who just so happened to catch Collins and I breaking the kiss.

Collins cheeks turned a dark shade of red and I could feel mine heating up. 

"Why were you two just snogging?" Niall asked in his groggy morning voice.

Collins leaned over to me and asked me what snogging meant and I told her it meant "making out" and that's when she turned from red to as white as a ghost.

"We were not making out I promise," Collins pleaded.

"Sure looked like it," Louis said shaking his head in disapproval and walking back into his bedroom.

"There was no tongue or anything like that," Collins pleaded once more.

I could tell Macy was shocked but a smile crept onto her face.

"Was he the one you kissed last night and refused to tell me about?" Macy asked with a even larger smile growing.

"Yes, but see I didn't know it was him and he didn't know it was me, it's just kind of awkward now and we wanted to see if there was anything "there" but its not so don't stress the subject Macy," Collins rambled out all in one breath and excused herself to my bedroom.

"Liam that's your cue mate," Niall said to me and pointed to my bedroom door where we could all currently hear a crying Collins.

"I know," I breathed and got up to go knock on my bedroom door.

"Collins it's Liam we gotta talk," I whispered into the door.


"Because we gotta settle some things and I don't wan't you to cry so open the door," I said getting a little aggravated because she really didn't have anything to be upset over.

I heard my bed squeak which meant she was getting up and I could possibly help the girl.

"Come in," Collins said and grabbed my shirt and sat me down on the bed to talk.

"Liam, I don't know why I kissed you I really have no clue, and then you kissed me and last night we kissed."I am at war with myself Liam part of me says I like you and part of me says no its Harry you like Collins!" "What do I do Liam?" she pleaded and started crying again.

"Really?" was all I could get out I was truthfully dumbfounded by her previous words. 

"Yes, Liam I have feelings for both of you cause to be honest your a really good kisser!" Collins confessed which kind of gave me a sudden sense of confidence and cockiness.

"How about I take you out, not on a date but as friends and maybe you can find some compromise there Collins?" I asked hoping for some sort of relief from her. 

"Okay, no date though right?" Collins questioned.

"Right, just a day out with me to help you decide your feelings Collins..." I said but was quickly enveloped in a tight hug from the now happy Collins we all know.

"Harry doesn't even talk to me Liam," Collins continued.

"Well if you wan't I can help set the two of you up," I said but instantly regretted because I do have feelings for Collins. 

"Neh, I'm good lets go do something today just me and you," Collins interjected and hopped of the bed and grabbed my hand before I could even answer. Collins threw me and a bunch of my clothes out of my room and told me to get ready.

Oh this should be fun.

"Guys, me and Liam are going out for a bit to talk, Macy do you need me to drop you back at your house before we go?" Collins happily asked Macy.

"No, you guys go on and have fun I'll drop her off in a bit," Niall said and put his arm around Macy.

How cute.

"Come on then," Collins said excitedly and grabbed me and her car keys to take me somewhere.

Oh gosh!

Collins P.O.V.

"Where are you taking me Collins Elizabeth Taylor!" Liam shouted as I slammed the car door shut and put the car in drive.

"Well, I don't have to be home till 8' o'clock tonight and its only 11 right now so we can pretty much do anything!" I said very hyper, cause I am.

"Collins are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"Liam, I wanna have fun I don't ever get a day to just relax and have fun with a friend,"I said and I'm pretty sure he noticed he was putting a damper on my mood and it was changing from good to bad again so he decided to lighten up.

"Well, fine what do you wan't to do?" he asked politely and turned in his seat to face me so he would look intrigued but now he was just being annoying.

"Well Mr. Liam Payne...we are going swimming," I replied.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit Collins," Liam said rather disappointed in my choice.

"Well, I found yours in your room and its in that bag in the backseat with mine!" I exclaimed and pointed to the pink Hannah Montana bag I had to borrow from my sister for the sleepover last night. 

"There isn't even a beach around here Collins!" Liam exclaimed.

"There is a pool...and plus haven't swam in 2 years Liam!" I replied trying to get some sympathy from the boy for me.

"Plus there won't be tons of people here; so they won't notice you," I said feeling good about my decision on where we should spend the day.

"Fine, Collins," Liam said just as I pulled into the almost vacant parking lot to the swimming pool.

"You do realize it is winter Collins?" Liam implied.

"Yes, duh Liam this is a heated pool and its open year around," I pointed out and rolled my eyes at the clueless British boy.

Once we got inside we paid and changed into our swimsuits and realized that we were the only ones swimming. 

"This is heated right?" Liam questioned and I just nodded my head so he would get the clue that it was heated.

We started swimming in the really warm pool and did back flips off the diving board because there was no lifeguard on duty so we could do pretty much anything we wanted. We were having a really fun time until two girls walked in the swimming area and almost fainted when they realized who Liam was.

Just Great.

"Hi, Liam we love you guys so much and you are really cute!" one of the girls said.

They looked to be around 16.

Uh, should have not said that because now; yes I'm jealous. 

This wen't on for like 30 minutes and the girls were chatting Liam up and not even paying attention to me at all. 


Liam looked over at me and smiled weakly then turned back around to the overly flirty girls. That was it and I couldn't take it anymore the jealousy was rising and I was getting angry for some odd reason. I yanked Liam around and kissed him hard on the lips. 

What have I gotten myself into?

Hey guys! Hope you are liking the book so far can't wait for the rest of it I already have got it planned out in my head just gotta write it(:  PLEASE ADD, COMMENT, OR VOTE! (:



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