Chapter 13

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Collins P.O.V.

What have I done?

I quickly broke the kiss between me and Liam and apologized to the girls and Liam then ran for it. I wrapped the towel around my freezing body and found a changing room to cry in. I am so confused as to why I had done what I did, it wasn't like me to get jealous like that and lash out. Poor Liam must be so confused as to why I keep kissing him out of nowhere and then denying any feelings for him. I still have feelings for Harry even though he has not even talked to me really. Why is my brain so confusing? I heard a knock on the door of the changing room a couple of minutes later and I instantly knew it was Liam, he had found me. 

"Collins please talk to me and help me understand why you just did that?" Liam asked though the door.

I got up from the stool the was rather comfortable, and unlocked the changing rooms' door. 

"Explain to me what just happened out there, please?" Liam questioned seeming frustrated towards me.

"I got this jealous feeling Liam and I couldn't take it, it was like those girls were throwing themselves at you," I continued.

"We aren't in a relationship Collins," Liam explained. 

"I know that Liam its just like my head can't decide if I like you or Harry," I said frustrated at myself now.

"You have to pay attention to you heart not your head Collins," Liam said in a comforting way.

"Plus you liked Harry way before you even thought about liking me Collins," he continued.

"He doesn't even pay attention to me Liam, your my second best friend," I confessed.

"Well, let's just forget about all this for right now and do something else fun before you have to go home," Liam suggested.

We got in the car and decided to just go to the mall and spend the next two hours there. When we got to the mall Liam had to call Paul to come and protect us from any fans that might notice him. Once Paul did arrive we finally were able to go spend some quality "friend bonding time together". We wen't into my stores like: Claire's, Maurice's, American Eagle, and Bath and Body Works and then we wen't to his stores: Journeys, Ralph Lauren, and Adidas. I got really embarrassed when me and Liam were laughing at a joke Louis had tweeted and then an old woman in her maybe 80's came up to us while we were in line for some food at Chick Fil A. She told us that we were an adorable couple, and that reminded we reminded her of her relationship with her husband when they were young adults. She didn't even give us time to tell her that we weren't a couple, she wen't on and on about how they used to walk in the mall together and laugh all the time. She told us they started off as best friends and around 11th grade they realized they really liked one another. 

It was really funny cause me and Liam were in the 11th grade too. She ended up eating her food with us, her story's were really sweet as well. She said they would always find a way back to each other no matter the circumstances. She said when its destiny its destiny, to just let it be. I saw Liam even start to get emotional when she said she had lost him to cancer 5 months ago. 

When we all got finished eating she told us one last thing that really got to both of us. 

"See even one day soon, I bet we will find our way back to one another because it was God's intention for us to be together forever..." 

She hugged me and Liam both and told us to hold on to what we have; which is nothing. Her story touched our hearts though and I even saw a tear fall from Liam's face.

Of course he had to sign a few autographs but not as many as I thought he would have to, and explain to several girls I was just a friend of his and what not. I could tell something was on Liam's mind so we decided to leave and head back to his place for me to get my things and head home.

"It's okay Liam," I said and patted his back trying to sooth him as we walked back out to my car with Paul not far behind.

When we got settled in the car Liam looked over at me with watery eyes and said something to me I did not really want to hear because I had told him my feelings for him just a couple of hours earlier and what he said shocked me...REALLY!

"Collins... what if its destiny for me to be with Danielle, we had, had so much before she hit on Zayn, maybe we could find a way to be together again if it was...?" Liam said still on the verge of tears.

Really Liam, Really?

I just told you I had some feelings for you and then you tell me this? 



Hey Guys!!! Uh oooo!! What's gonna happen next? I know it was a short chapter but it's important just like the others! (:                                    PLEASE ADD, COMMENT, OR VOTE! 



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