Chapter 36

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2 months later...

Collins P.O.V.

"Collins you look so beautiful!" my mother teared up looking at me in my senior prom dress. "I love you mom," I replied and hugged her tightly. "Don't make me start crying though it'll mess up my makeup."

"Liam will be here soon, do you need anything else?" my mother asked. Once she had finished her sentence I remembered that I did forget something. "I um, need my best friend," I admitted sadly. "Collins, Macy is in a better place," my mother stated enveloping me once again in a bear hug. "Yeah, you shouldn't be sad anymore Collins," Mara said coming down the stairs and interrupting our conversation.

"You guys, I haven't been to her grave since she died," I started to cry. "Collins your going to mess up your makeup," mother complained, only worrying about my looks. "When Liam gets here just tell him, I've gone to Macy's grave," I bluntly said and grabbed my car keys off the kitchen counter. "But, Col-," she started, but I cut her off and kissed her and my sister goodbye.

As I was on my way to Macy's grave I just reminisced about the things that had happened since Liam and I got together again. Prom dress shopping was fun, because Liam had to go and get it with me. (Liam's just not good at picking the colors out). Liam and I have been pretty much inseparable, the only time we were apart is if he had a signing or concert; Macy and I used to be just like Liam and I have been now these past few months.

Liam had also given me a promise ring with a enormous diamond in the center of it. We also admitted to each other that we were falling extremely hard for one another. (It's true the boy is AMAZING!)

I finally made it to the cemetery and took a deep breath before exiting my car to go and visit Macy. I did work up enough guts and walked over to Macy's headstone. Macy's mother had picked out the most gorgeous headstone for Macy, it had Macy's name on it and was the color of ebony.

"Hi Macy," I began nervously talking to her headstone. "I'm sorry I haven't came to visit you since your death, it's just been hard."

"Tonight is Prom, I know you were really looking forward to going to Prom with Niall...he was looking forward to going with you too; he told me," I continued sitting down next to her. "Niall did manage to work up enough courage to ask another girl named Katherine to Prom though." I laughed and began to tear up.

"Don't mess up your makeup, or your dress Collins," I heard a voice say.

"Uh, Macy?" I pondered.

"Macy didn't have a manly voice dear," I heard Liam say from behind me. "Here let me help you up," Liam stated and grabbed my hand and waist to help me up off the ground.

"Why did you come out here?" Liam asked politely, looking into my eyes that were full of sympathy.

"Miss her," I choked out trying to hold the tears in.

Liam didn't reply, but he did grab me and hug me tightly. "Always remember if you wanna cry I'm there," Liam whispered while petting the back of my head to sooth me. "Now come on, we have a Prom to get to!" he shouted and grabbed my hand.

"I'll meet you there okay?" Liam questioned and I nodded in return. "Prom here we come!" Liam laughed and shut the door to his car. Liam always manages to make me in a better mood when I'm sad or upset, I don't know how he does it, he's just wonderful.

7:00 p.m.


I exited my hummer and fluffed my dress a little whilst checking my makeup in my rear view mirror. "You look beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?" I saw Liam behind me and he grabbed my waist from behind and spun me around. "Put me down," I urged. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a complete suck up?" I smarted jokingly.

He pretended to be hurt for a minute, so then I felt as if I had to apologize so I kissed his cheek as we entered the school. "Welcome to Junior/Senior Prom!" Mrs. Jenkins was welcoming everyone as they walked in.

"Welcome to Junior/Seni-," she stopped mid-sentence and looked shocked as Liam and I made our way into the gymnasium.

"You too are going to Prom together?" Mrs. Jenkins stopped us and asked as if she were shocked.

"Afraid so," Liam responded shaking his head as if he was disappointed. "Shut it Payne," I said smacking his arm and guiding us into the gymnasium.

Feel this Moment, was blasting through the entire gymnasium speakers. "HEY!" Louis shouted over the music to Liam and I. "THIS IS ELEANOR!"

"Hi, it's very nice to finally meet you!" I shouted nicely to Eleanor. "The same to you!" she responded over the music; shaking my hand.

"We are going to go dance we'll see you guys later!" Louis screamed acting crazy and leading Eleanor to the dance floor.

"Wanna dance?" Liam asked wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously.

"Sure, Payne," I said and grabbed his hand as we made our way to the dance floor.

Just as we made it to the dance floor a slow song began, 'When I look at you' by Miley Cyrus?

"This song is old," Liam complained. "I know just dance with me," I said rolling my eyes and resting my head on Liam's chest while my arms hung around his shoulders. He then whispered "I love you, with all my heart," into my ear; it made my stomach do flips and brought a gigantic smile to my face.

"You just don't know how much I love you," I whispered back into his ear as we continued slow dancing.

The rest of the night was absolutely fantastic, Liam and I had pictures made and we danced for like ever! As we were leaving Prom we saw Danielle and Harry kissing in a corner, I slightly looked at Liam who had no expression on his face until he saw me looking at him. "You think I care don't you?" Liam questioned laughing a little. "If I would've cared right now I would probably go and break them up, but I just told you that I love you!" Liam exclaimed looking at me as if I were crazy. "I would also go run and kiss Danielle not you!"

He then took the bottom of my chin with his hand and raised my lowered head up to look him in the eyes. Liam smirked at me then kissed me. "That was our best kiss," I said when we broke apart. "Every kiss with you is the best kiss," Liam replied sweetly which earned him another kiss.

As we seperated to go home he kissed me on the hand one last time and told me goodnight. It was offical Liam was the best boyfriend in the entire world.

I hopped in my car and as I was chranking it I noticed Niall with Kathrine and they were holding hands. Niall turned around nervously and awkwardly leaned in to kiss Kathrine, she accepted. It broke my heart a little to see my best friends' boyfriend kiss another girl, but then I realized Macy would wan't him to move on so I just smiled.

I decided to leave and go home. Tonight had been a great night, the only thing that would have made it better is Macy.

Then, before I pulled into the driveway I played Macy's favorite song 'Rock Me' and sung my heart out like she usually did while listening to it.

Man I miss that girl...

If I could have one wish it would to bring her back. If it wasn't for Liam I don't know what I would do, so I just thank God for him.

I could see myself even marrying Liam one day...

Hey Guys! Hope you liked Chapter 36(: The only thing I have else to say is PLEASE ADD, COMMENT, OR VOTE!



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