Chapter 21

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Liam's P.O.V.

Once the boys finished the song the crowd actually grew almost completely silent. Security guards grabbed me and Collins and yanked us both backstage; I bet I was in serious trouble.

"Liam what just happened out there, are you mental?" Paul asked sternly.

"I had a crazy spell come over me and I needed to get Collins back," I admitted.

"You could have gotten hurt!" Paul shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry," I said ashamed of what I had done,and hugged Collins on my way back out onstage.

I was really embarrassed after what had just happened. I mean a whole arena of people just witnessed me completely snog someone... yeah I'm pretty sure I'm beaming red.

"Welcome back Liam!" Louis shouted happily into the microphone.

"Thanks mate, Listen everyone I'm sorry about what just happened a minute ago," I pleaded for some sort of good response from the crowd. Thank the Lord we only had one more song to preform.

"Alright! Let's move on," Louis said and the music started.

The entire song it felt extremely awkward; the crowd was giving me this vibe. I was thankful when the song was over and ran backstage to talk to Collins.

Collins P.O.V.

Finally the concert was over and I was pumped to see Liam, Harry had beat him though and he made his way over to me.

"Hey Collins," Harry said sadly.

"What's the matter?" I asked really knowing what he was about to say.

"Um, its Macy..." Harry blurted out.

"Excuse me?" I asked. I did not see that coming.

"Well when I saw you and Liam kissing I kind of froze, but I looked at Macy and realized just how beautiful she really is," Harry admitted bluntly.

"Are you mental?" I questioned cocking my head like Macy.

"I know she is dating Niall, but I think I have feelings for her," Harry openly said.

"Hey Collins!" Liam said excitedly with a wide grin on his face, but the grin fell when he saw me and Harry talking.

"I gotta go," Harry whispered to me with a sense of discomfort in his voice and then walked away.

"What was that about?" Liam questioned.

I grabbed Liam by his shirt which made him think I wanted to kiss him so he puckered his lips. 

"No Liam, no time for that I gotta talk to you," I demanded and shoved him into a random 'secrect room' that was next to the stage.

"What?" he asked with concern written on his face.

"Okay, Harry just told me that he has feelings for Macy!" I quickly blurted out.

"Are you jealous?" Liam asked now with disappointment and worry written on his face.

Well, no I wasn't jealous just confused, Harry kissed me and now he tells me he likes Claire. Harry has some serious girl problems he needs to deal with...

"Of course not Liam, you are a MUCH better kisser," I said putting emphasis on much.

"Are you sure your not hurt by that? he replied questionably.

"I mean you did like him before you even thought about liking me," he continued.

To shut Liam's stupid mouth I grabbed his shirt collar and started to kiss him. I felt really bad that I was making Liam jealous so I allowed him to turn it into a french kiss. Finally there was no one watching us or judging us it was just us. I had to break the kiss, because I was running short on air and Liam with his lungs of steel didn't even seemed phased by the three minutes that had already passed without any air. 

"Can't breathe?" Liam laughed with a wide smile growing on his face.

I just nodded my head, the lack of air was preventing me from talking.

"Was that the longest you've ever kissed someone?" Liam asked doing the head cock thing.

"Harry was my first kiss Liam," I admitted.

"So that was your longest kiss!" Liam exclaimed and grew even more happy.

I just laughed and we then walked out of the 'secret room' finding the unbelievable to be seen right in front of us! I mean me and Liam's jaws completely came unhinged.

Harry and Macy were kissing! Thank God I had a witness!

This was definitely unexpected...

Hey Guys! How many of you saw that coming?!? Anyway I hope ya'll liked the Chapter, I know it was short but... SORRY! PLEASE ADD, COMMENT, OR VOTE! (:    (the next chapter will be longer)



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