Chapter 30

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Hey Liam, I'm gonna come over for a little bit so Harry and I can work on our schedule," Danielle said wrapping her arms around my arm as we walked out of the school building.

"That's cool, so what did you guys name your baby?" I asked trying to make conversation until we got out to our cars.

"We over heard yours and Collins baby's name, and I wanted ours to kind of go with yours so we named it Beyonce," she retorted happily whilst getting in her car.

"Bye Li-Li," she said also giving me a kiss.

This should be interesting, my current girlfriend and my sorta kind of ex-girlfriend coming to the same house... this should be really interesting...

4:00 p.m.

Collins P.O.V.

 Alright here we go, last time I was here Macy was still alive and I was still dating Liam sorta. This should be an interesting afternoon...

"Collins!" Louis shouted enveloping me in a hug once I barged in the hotel room like usual. 

"Collins!" Niall also shouted running over to me and Louis then jumping on top of us.

We all fell to the ground and Zayn just came and bent over the two boys that were on top of me and waved. "Hello Zayn," I laughed pushing both boys off of me.

"Oh, hey Liam and Danielle," I said waving at the two people who seemed to not care one bit that I was here.

"Danielle lets work on the schedule and stuff," Harry said walking into the living room. "Oh, hey Collins," he said finally turning his head and noticing me.

I just waved and walked over to Liam. "Lets not make this anymore awkward or weirder than it already is and get this over with," Liam said bluntly.


We sat there with a blank piece of paper arguing about who would take care of the baby on certain at times for at least an hour. Danielle and Harry had finished their schedule thirty minutes ago, and Danielle had already wen't home. 

"Liam I know you have concerts and signing to go to, but I also have a life," I pointed out angrily.

"You quit all your sports that you played, so therefore you have more time than I do Collins," Liam argued back.

At this point I wanted to strangle the boy.

"Can you two not come to an agreement?" Louis asked jumping on the couch next to me.

"Apparently not," I said looking at Liam in disgust.

"Well, the rest of us are going out, but I see you guys are busy," Louis started.

"Go on with out us mate," Liam huffed in disappointment.

"Alright see you guys later!" Louis shouted jumping off the back of the couch and running out the door.

All the other boys told us goodbye and then left Liam and I alone...

"We need to come to an agreement so I can leave," I stated.

"Yea-" Liam started but was cut of by a screaming Jay-Z. "Crap how do we shut him up?" Liam panicked.

"I don't know Liam, rock him just shut him up!" I demanded. "Sing do something."

Liam started to rock Jay-Z back and forth then started judging the poor doll. "You could have named him Drake he is awesome rapper Collins." 

"Hush, before I throw this doll food at you!" I warned and then brought the doll some fake food.

"Keep rocking him Liam, just cause I start to feed him don't mean you stop doing what you're doing," I said rolling my eyes at Liam's dumbness.

"Example A," Liam whispered to himself, but I over heard.

"What's example A Liam?" I asked putting the fake baby food on the coffee table.

"Your just bossy," Liam replied bluntly.

"So that made you hate me?" I laughed in amazement.

Liam just shook his head and continued rocking Jay-Z.

The baby still wouldn't shut up after forty-five minutes of rocking him, and feeding him. We literally tried everything from singing What Makes You Beautiful to Up All Night, which is what this stupid baby was doing... keeping us up all night. Liam wouldn't let me leave to go home either.

"Your not leaving until we get this baby to shut up,and we figure out who's keeping it," Liam said angrily.

"Fine, let me call my mom you try to think of something we can do to make it shut up while I call," I said leaving the room to tell my mother I might not be home tonight...

"I'm staying over Liam," I said coming back into the room.

"I don't care, just make the darn baby hush please," Liam pleaded rubbing the sides of his head.

"That's what we've been trying to do for the last hour and a half!" I replied beginning to get frustrated with Liam.

We sat there on the couch for another hour until Liam got up to get me some pajamas. Liam came back with some sweats and a large t-shirt.

"Thanks Liam," I said back and continued rocking Jay-Z.

"Can we just put him in the closet?" Liam suggested.

I could tell Liam was getting tired and so was I. "No Liam," I laughed and he came and sat down beside me and the little annoying doll. 

"Maybe he likes Toy Story like me!" Liam exclaimed then grabbed the television remote to turn it to Toy Story.

Oh wow...

Around 11:00 p.m.

"My word, how come this always happens?" I heard a high pitched voice say. "We always find them asleep on each other in some sort of form."


I then felt Louis leave and opened my eyes a little. Liam and I were on the floor, I was asleep on his chest and he was still holding baby Jay-Z. 

Wait its quiet... that means Jay-Z shut up! Thank God!

Liam sure did smell good, so I took this moment to just embrace what we used to have together and nestled back into his chest.

Liam's P.O.V.

Collins had no idea that I was awake, although I knew she was awake. For a moment she backed off away from me when she noticed we had fallen asleep on each other, but then she nestled back onto my chest. This may sound creepy but I could smell her perfume and it made me sad. The smell of Collins just reminded me of all the good times I had with her. 

I guess we've both moved on now though... she has Harry and I have Danielle.

I wasn't going to fight the butterflies in my stomach though, at least I know now she still sorta kinda likes me. It may also just be that she was tired and didn't really care were she was sleeping too so she cuddled back up to me, who knows? Collins may be bossy, weird, crazy, mean, a brat , etc. but I know she means well altogether...

 I know she's a sweet girl down deep inside she just needs to prove it...

Hey Guys! I know this Chapter has a several P.O.V. changes (sorry bout that) but I really like this Chapter for some reason. (:




All the Little Things (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum