Chapter 23

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Collins P.O.V.

Where are you Macy?

This was getting upsetting, I looked in the bathroom, the dressing rooms, everywhere. Finally, I heard some soft whimpers coming from the supply closet. 

"Macy, are you in there?" I questioned to make sure it was her and not some crazed fan.

"Yeah Collins," she replied while unlatching the door to let me in.

"Would you care to explain what happened with you and Harry?" I asked folding my arms across my abdomen.

"I didn't wanna kiss him Collins, he kissed me!" she continued to cry.

"What do I tell Niall, I can't hide it from him"? she asked sobbing into her knees on the floor.

"I'll tell him if you wan't?" I suggested and she got a little happier.

"Thanks, but I still wanna know why he did that," Macy contemplated.

"Who knows, boys are boys," I said back which brought a smile to her face.

"You don't think he likes me do you?" Macy questioned.

I didn't have time to respond because Liam came up to us with Harry hanging on his shoulder. 

"What did you do to him Liam!" I shouted, because Harry didn't look to good.

"Nothing! He is drunk," Liam defended.

"How did he even get alcohol?" Macy asked.

We three were interrupted again by a worried Paul. 

"Is Harry alright?" Paul questioned worriedly.

"Yeah just sloppy drunk," Macy retorted.

"Hey! AM NOT!" Harry hollered pointing his finger at Macy.

We could all see he was clearly drunk so we decided it was best if we all wen't home. We gathered the rest of the boys(not mentioning anything about the kiss Macy had with Harry) and started home. Macy and I took my hummer while the boys wen't home in their limo. The only time I talked to Macy on the way home was when she said 'bye' getting out of the car.

My life was crappy right now, and so was Macy's... poor us...

Macy's P.O.V.

When I finally got home I was relieved. I wish I had never even wen't to that stupid concert. I know I wen't to the concert to help Liam get Collins back, but while Harry was kissing me I felt something I had never felt with Niall...

I decided to just go to sleep and not think about Harry and I, I'd have to tell Niall real soon about the kiss so I was going to worry about that right now not Harry. 

Collins P.O.V.

When I got home it was 1:00 a.m., so my whole family was asleep. I got changed into my pajamas and nestled up into my bed covers, but  I didn't wan't to go to sleep yet so I decided to text Liam.

Me: Hey Li-Li, miss you guys already! 

I got a text almost immediately usual.

Liam: Hey Collins miss you too! xx

Me: Not missing Danielle more?

Liam: Oh, ha-ha  your so funny... NO! xx

Me: Goodnight Liam! (: 

Liam: Goodnight Love! (: xx

On that note I fell into dreamland;sweet peaceful dreamland.

Liam's P.O.V.

We made it home with drunk Harry and we all wen't to tuck him in, even poor clueless Niall. After we tucked Harry in we all wen't to our bedrooms to get some sleep.

Collins had text me on the way home; which made we feel good after what had happened tonight. I still wonder though if she has feelings for Harry. 

What if the kiss between Harry and Macy did successfully make her jealous?

Harry usually gets what he wants...

I decided to not worry about it for the night and go to sleep; soon I was drifting off to sleep.

"Liam, you know I love you!" I heard Danielle holler to me as I walked away.

As my dream of the day Danielle and I broke up came surging back into my dreams, I shot up.

Why was I still dreaming of Danielle?

I am over her, but my worry's of Collins falling for Harry are making me try to run back to Danielle.



Hey Guys! I know that the P.O.V. changed alot during this chapter but there's a reason. So ARE YOU Team Harry or Team Liam? Do you think Macy and Harry are gonna end up together?!? Who knows?!? 




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