Chapter 6

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Liam's P.O.V.

Once Collins had left I decided to take a nap since I had, had a pretty crazy day. Collins was really fun to be around and all the boys seem to like her, she is crazy but you just can't help but love her. As I was thinking about my day and all I found myself dozing off into dreamland and before long I was asleep.

"Liam, please just talk to me,"she pleaded.

"Why should I, Huh?"I asked sternly trying not to yell.

"Because I love you,"Danielle sobbed.

That was it and the dream ended that short? I had only been asleep like 10 minutes, then I realized I was being shook awake. 

"Are you alright mate you were talking in your sleep,"Louis asked as he cocked his head noticing that I was sweating, and took a seat  on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little hot," I said as I threw the blanket off of me.

"Alright mate, well me and the other boys are gonna go out for a bit do you wanna come?"Louis asked standing up from his spot on the couch next to me.

"Nah you guys go on I will just continue napping I think...I really knackered,"I said as I stood up and waved goodbye to Louis who was now skipping out the door headed to the car where the other boys were. 

I decided that I didn't wan't to sleep because lately all I have been dreaming about was Danielle and I knew that was the real reason I woke up sweating. I just didn't wan't to tell Louis because he gets really worried about me when I tell him those sort of things, I guess that just makes him a good friend, right?I really wish I would stop having these dreams... they are really upsetting and the same thing happens over and over agian, I just wake up sweating and sad. How depressing?

So a thought crossed my head to help me keep my mind off of Danielle... text Collins she is a great person to help do that.

Collins P.O.V.

Gah, I don't think I will make it home before mom this is great just great, I thought to myself as I was still running steady like I had for the past ten minutes; five more minutes and mom will be home... I still have a block to run! As I was running like a maniac gasping for breath every step I took I felt a vibration in my pants pocket. Great that is probably mom at home now texting me blowing me out for not being home. I decided to slow down my pace so I could breathe a little better since my butt was probably already dead, I didn't even look at the text because truthfully I was to scared. I wasn't prepared to tell her that I had been at a hotel with 5 boys for the past couple of hours... I was SO DEAD!

About ten minutes later, finally walked up to my driveway to notice that my mom's car was not there. But, GREAT here she comes around the corner.

I ran up on the porch and pulled the keys to the house out of my backpack and ran to turn the t.v. and some lights on once i got inside to make it look like I had been here all along.

"Hello darling what have you been up to and are you sweating?"Mom asked as she and my sister made their way into the kitchen where I had been trying to act casual.

"Yeah I just got in from a jog,"I said as I got a bottle water out of the fridge because I was REALLY THIRSTY!

"Really why didn't you change out of your school clothes dear, you ran in boots to?"my mom questioned.

"Ummm.... yeah I just came in when I got home and decided to go running,"I said nodding my head and drinking some of my water. "Didn't wanna mess up another pair of clothes so I just wen't out running like I am now,"I said smiling hoping she would believe me.

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