Chapter 11

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Collins P.O.V.



Oh my gosh I just kissed Liam Payne and admitted to liking it. What have I done? I even admitted he was a better kisser than Harry! Oh gosh, oh gosh COLLINS ELIZABETH TAYLOR why didn't you ask him his name you retard!

I noticed Liam was rubbing his fingers together like something sticky was on them.

"Why are my fingers sticky?"Liam asked in a adorable British accent.

"Sorry, uh my mask wasn't completely dry yet," I replied blushing immensely.

"Oh, that explains it then," he said smiling as wide as ever.

"What did we just do?" I asked knowing the answer but I wanted an explanation.

"Well, I didn't know it was you Collins so its not my fault," Liam said defensively.

"I didn't know it was you either Liam!" I snapped back.

"I'm one of the only 5 British people in this building right now Collins... everyone else here is American so I have a legit excuse for the kiss, I didn't know it was you," Liam implied.

"True, I guess I am kind of dumb for not realizing your accent and all, but we are to never speak of this to anyone, got it?" I said pointing my finger at him and grabbing his hand so we wouldn't lose each other in the enormous crowd of people.

"Didn't you notice my lack of hair?" Liam asked. 

I started to laugh but that point he made makes me sound dumb so I stopped myself.

"Yeah, but I do have to say you did seem to enjoy it Collins," Liam said wiggling his eyebrows playfully at me.

"In your dreams Mr. Payne," I said pulling him over to the direction of Macy and Niall who I had seen just right out of the corner of my eye kissing.

"Wait,"I said and stopped Liam from walking any further. "They are kissing!" I whispered and turned around to give them some privacy.

"I knew he would fall for her," I said shaking my head and leaning up against the building wall.

"Yeah, maybe if we let this place thin out we can find the rest of the guys," Liam said and came over next to me and leaned against the brick wall too.

"Liam can I ask you a question?" I asked completely out of boredom.


"Why are you so nice to everyone, you always cheer everyone up if they are in a bad mood, you always get them a bag of peas when they hit their head and you always text me back immediately after I send it," I asked sounding completely retarded. "Don't you ever get mad and wanna break stuff and suddenly become sad and wanna cry?" 

"I cry all the time Collins..." Liam said bluntly.

"About what Liam isn't your life like perfect?" I asked getting all nosey.

"Actually no Collins it isn't cause I wake up almost every night in a sweat because of what my previous girlfriend had done to me, I dream about it all the time and it makes me cry Collins," Liam said getting emotional.

"What did she do?" I asked really all up in this now.

"She kissed one of my best mates and then lied about doing it," Liam said tearing up now.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Liam now I feel really bad," I said wiping a tear off his face for him.

"Your fine Collins I just don't like to really think or talk about it," Liam said starting to cheer up agian when he noticed the other four boys and Macy approaching us.

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