Chapter 24

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Collins P.O.V.

I woke up earlier than usual this morning to go and run off some steam. I had already ran two blocks and was coming up around the boys hotel. I noticed Niall and Macy were outside the building talking, correction arguing about something. I decided to hide in the bushes of the park that was near the complex to see what was going on.

"Niall, I still like you, please don't get me wrong," I heard Macy plea.

"That's not what you just told me Macy!" Niall shouted angrily.

Macy must have told Niall about last night.

"How can you have feelings for him?" Niall asked, calming down it seemed.

Like who?

"I wanna be with you its just there are complications now Niall," Macy replied.

What complications are there?

"Um, excuse me miss," a old lady said tapping me on the shoulder.


"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing behind these bushes?" she questioned.

"Um, I thought I saw this rare bird fly into this bush," I said trying to make an excuse and make the old lady leave before Macy or Niall heard my voice.

"You like bird watching too!" the old lady said excitedly.

Oh great...

The old lady grabbed my hand to help me up, and when she did Macy saw me.

"Collins?" Macy asked growing in anger on her face. "Were you just eavesdropping on us?"

"Was that what you were doing all along?" the old lady asked.

"Great two people are mad at me now," I said bluntly to both of them.

The old lady just left after that, but Macy stood there tapping her foot and waiting for an explanation.

"I'm sorry, I heard you two arguing," I started but trailed of worried to finish my sentence.

"YOU GO WAIT IN THE BOYS ROOM!" Macy ordered and pointed to me.

Crap, I got myself in trouble. I guess I should just go wait in the boys room like she said. When I got to the boys hotel room I just walked in; none of them would come to the door anyhow. I could see why though,because it was only 5:30 in the morning. I walked back to to Liam's bedroom to see if he was awake. I noticed Liam was sweating and kicking in his sleep, when I got to his room. Liam was mumbling stuff that was incomprehensible as well. I walked over beside him and I could tell his breathing was rapid,I was getting worried now so I shook him.

"Liam wake up," I said quite loudly which made him shoot up.

"Collins? What are you doing here?" Liam asked groggily.

"Waiting for my punishment, and coming to see you," I said all to happily.

"Punishment?" Liam questioned cocking his head to the side like Macy.

"I was eavesdropping on Macy and Niall, and Macy caught me," I confessed.

"Oh, so you came in my room to hang out before your punishment?" Liam laughed.

"Yeah, pretty much although when I came in you were sweating,kicking and mumbling to explain what you were dreaming about?" I bluntly asked rather worried.

"It was about Dani," Liam said as bluntly as I had asked my previous question.

"I thought you were over her Liam," I pointed out.

"I just dream about the past when I get scared," Liam stated.

"Why are you scared?" I replied growing even more worried.

"I don't know, just come here," Liam said grabbing my waist and pulling me down to his bed to lay next to him.

"I don't dream at all when you are laying by me," Liam said very cheekily.

"Awe, how sweet Liam you're trying to flirt with me," I said teasing him at his attempt.

Liam got annoyed and grabbed my head and started kissing me. We had never french kissed before so I decided now was the time. Every-time we kissed Liam's tongue had asked for entrance, but I never allowed it.

Of course right when Liam and I start kissing Niall bursts through the door making us both jump out of our skins. I screamed so loud I bet the people in Alabama could hear me.

"You guys! Macy's been hit!" Niall screamed whilst breaking down in tears.

"What do you mean?" I yelled jumping off the bed.

"We were talking and she got mad at me for a split second and backed up a little onto the road by accident," Niall said barley breathing.

"There are ambulances down there right now," Niall continued in sobs.

"What hit her?" Liam asked as he tumbled out of bed.

"A diesel Liam!" Niall hollered in tears.

"Are the rest of the boys awake?" I asked grabbing Niall's shoulders trying to calm him down.

"No, please go and wake them, I came in here first," Niall said walking over to Liam and basically falling in his arms.

"Collins I think Niall just fainted!" Liam called after me as I ran to Louis' room. Correction, Niall did fall in Liam's arms.

I ran to each of the boys rooms hollering for each of them to get up. When I did that all of the boys gave me a weird look because I barged in, and started yelling/crying.

"What's going on?" all of them asked when they made it into the living room, still zipping up their pants and putting shirts on.

"Macy was hit by an oncoming diesel," Liam said still holding an unconscious Niall.

"What's wrong with Niall?" Harry asked.

"He witnessed it," Liam said sadly looking down at the tear stained Niall.

"We better get the paramedics to look at him," Louis said running over to Liam to help carry Niall downstairs to the main floor.


All I can say is I DID NOT see this coming...

Hey Guys! Sorry its been a while since I've updated...but I hope you guys liked the Chapter! PLEASE ADD, COMMENT, OR VOTE! (: (pick of what Macy "looks" like to the side)



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