Chapter 25

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Collins P.O.V.

We all finally made it to the ground level where Niall was checked and told he was all good. Macy had been rushed to the nearby hospital. Liam; going into 'daddy direction' mode called Macy's parents for us while we were all in the car on our way to the hospital. Niall's breathing hadn't slowed down one bit,but the paramedics said his body had just wen't into shock.

"Niall, buddy you alright back there?" Louis asked from the passenger seat.

"Paul is on his way, but will have meet us at the hospital," Louis said trying to get Niall's mind off of what he had previously witnessed.

Niall just gave a thumbs up and layed his head on Liam's shoulder. "Liam, I think he just passed out again," Zayn pointed out noticing Niall had his eyes closed.

"He's just trying to relax mate," Liam reassured Zayn.

The hospital was thirty minutes from the hotel, and during that time reality finally set in on me.

My best friend was in the hospital.

When we finally arrived at the hospital all of us were anxious to get to Macy's room and see her.

"Hi, how can I help you kids?" the overly happy receptionist asked.

"Um, we are here to see Macy Brooks," Niall anxiously spat out.

"Okay, um...I'm sorry but she is in ICU right now and is currently being treated," the peppy receptionist replied.

"You can all go and sit in the waiting room though," she said pointing towards a really boring, bland room.

"Thank you," I said back to her,and then directing all the boys to the waiting room.

When we entered the waiting room I forgot I needed to call my parents and tell them Macy had been hurt so I excused myself, and just started walking around the hospital while I called.

Room: A24, Room:A29, I started just going down different halls now, repeating all the room numbers I saw as I walked.

"Oh, hey mom!" I heard her finally pick up the phone.

"Collins, where are you?" my mother said as if she was panicking.

"Momma, Macy was hit by a diesel truck about an hour ago," I said tearing up as I said those heartbreaking words.

"Oh my gosh! Collins do her parents know?" my mother asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, they should be here anytime now," I said as I continued walking down the halls.

"We are on our way darling," my mother replied; and ended the conversation.

As I reached one of the last rooms on the 'A' floor I noticed the door was open. Me being the snoopy person I am peeked into the room,and saw the old lady Liam and I had met at the mall.

"Hello?" I asked making sure she knew who I was.

"Oh my! Is that that beautiful young girl I met once?" she laughed.

I immediately ran to her side and hugged her. "Um," I started to try and say her name but I didn't know her name exactly...

"My name is Mrs. Winters," she said smiling knowing why I stopped mid-sentence.

"What's wrong Mrs. Winters?" I asked worriedly. "What are you doing in here?"

"Well, I'm afraid my time here is about done for," she laughed with the biggest grin on her face.

"Mrs. Winters where is your family?" I asked bluntly.

"In Heaven," she replied bluntly.

"All of them?" I asked cocking my head like Macy.

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