Chapter 16

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The Next Morning

Collins P.O.V.

'I took a trip to the Year 3000 this song

Nope, nope not gonna listen to it anymore I am changing my alarm tone right now before someone hears that embarrassing ring tone.

"To late," Macy moaned right beside me and got up from the bed to get changed into some sweats and a t-shirt.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked blushing a little at the embarrassment.

"Yeah, but its cool cause I used to LOVE that song," Macy smiled and walked into the bathroom.

Liam had let me and Macy sleep in his room and he slept on the couch all night so I thought that we should make him and the boys some breakfast. 

"Come on, Macy I wanna surprise them!" I called for Macy who was still in the bathroom changing her clothes.

"Fine I'm coming!" Macy hollered and stomped out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

"Don't be loud Macy!" I commanded.

"Liam is asleep on the couch!" I continued.

She raised her hands in defeat and we started cooking pancakes, eggs and bacon for them. While we were cooking we heard Liam wiggling in his sleep and mumble something incoherent. I walked over to the couch and saw that he was sweating...and crying?!? 

I shook him awake and he instantly shot up.

"What are you two doing?" Liam asked as he emerged from the couch with a genuine smile on his face.

"Cooking you and the boys breakfast, are you alright Liam?" I asked really concerned because of what I just previously watched.

"Not really... I think I have a crick in my neck now," he groaned.

"Poor Liam, well go wake up the other boys and tell them to come and eat!" I said excitedly and started making my own plate.

"That was weird, he was definitely crying," I said rather fast to Macy before Liam came back into the room.

"Well it was probably just a really bad dream," she said.

"I am so sad that we have to go home today," Macy continued frowning immensely.

"Well,we can ask if we can stay one more night only if the boys say its fine though?" I replied.

"Yeah its just three nights here and our parents trust us right?" Macy responded with excitement in her voice.

"Lets go ask the boys," I said and ran off to find Liam.

Macy completely changed the subject about Liam's dream a minute ago, but I know it was about Danielle he had told me he has those almost every night...

"Lets go ask the boys what?" Liam questioned with a smirk growing on his face.

"Can we stay another night?" Macy blurted out bluntly.

"We don't mind at all just, lets try to avoid drama today," Liam said whilst running into the kitchen and falling flat on his butt,

"Get your food Liam and eat!" I said in a motherly way.

"Its Momma Direction!" Niall yelled as he plopped enormous amounts of food on his plate.

"Oh...cheeky Niall!" Liam said and winked at me.

Harry and Claire finally came in the kitchen and got their food but left and wen't back to his bedroom without even a simple thank you. 

"We'll just let them have a day to their selves and we will go do something fun,you guys just gotta call and ask your parents first," Louis said and handed us each a phone.

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