Chapter 2

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Hey Guys! This Chapter will be a little longer than Chapter One, it seemed to short so here goes... Chapter Two(:



*Liam's P.O.V.*

"Flight 147 now boarding", Flight 147 now boarding", a annoying, robotic like sounding, woman voice came over an intercom waking me up from my peaceful sleep in the airport chair. I then heard a familiar Irish accent say, "Come on Mate don't wanna miss the plane to America", he said sounding actually serious because the plane was really about to leave without us. 

Once we got on the plane I decided I needed to resume my previous I did.

*Liam's Dream* 

"How could you Danielle, I thought you loved me, I asked almost in tears.

"Liam I~I~I... I do love you, please understand he threw his-self at me." Danielle said with tears welling up in her eyes. 

"Liam, mate I saw her flirting with him earlier and she basically threw her-self at him it is not Zayn's fault", Harry whispered into my ear so only I could hear. That was when I had had enough of her lies and cheating and broke up with her.

"Danielle, I think that its time for you to leave", I said as calmly as I could.

" But Liam", she said her voice shaking.

"No,Danielle you kissed one of my best mates so its time for you to just forget about us...", I trailed off mid sentence up to my room to lay and sob for several hours alone. (sorry guys... I think Danielle is great dont get me wrong it just was planned to go along with  the story. XX Shy)

*End of Liam's Dream*

Just when I awoke I noticed I had began sweating in my sleep. "You alright man you are sweating like a pig ", Niall said as he came to sit down beside me. 

"Yeah, just a bad dream"

"Was it about Danielle", Niall asked.

"Yeah", I said bluntly back to Niall.

"Oh, I'm sorry mate...", Niall said and then patted me on the back and soon fell to sleep on my shoulder.

The whole plane ride to America all I could think about was Danielle I mean it had only been two weeks since we had broken up and to tell you the truth i still had feelings for her, but she broke my heart... she kissed one of my best mates I should hate her for that... but i don't... I love her.

A flight attendant came over a intercom in the plane."The plane is now making its descent  to the airport everyone, we shall land in about three minutes," she said in a cute,cheeky voice.

"Oh boy! More school," Louis shouted sarcastically to all of us as we stepped off the plane. "Yeah, about school...does anyone know what town this school we are supposed to be going to is in", I questioned all the boys. "Nope sorry mate no clue", Niall said. "I believe it is in Nashville guys", Harry popped in the conversation. "Oh okay then we will need to call Paul to get us a taxi then right," I asked. "Yep", Harry chirped. 

When our taxi finally arrived we all hopped in and I looked at the time wow...8:30, I thought it would be later but oh well, and then after i put my phone away all us boys got all nestled together to take a long deserved nap because I believe we all were suffering from jet-lag. Then,we were on our way to Nashville. "How long will this take"? Harry asked the driver. "About four hours so get comfy and sleep," the driver of the cab said. "Alright thank you", Harry then said and got all nestled next to me again. 

*Collins P.O.V.*

I walked in my house to find it absolutely dead silent. 

"Hello?" I yelled so maybe someone someone would respond, but it just made this weird echo sound that kind of freaks you out if you know what I mean. So then I just wen't upstairs and a thought came into my head,my sister Lindsey has a basketball game that's why no one is home. I never go cause when I have spare time I try to use it to study or something of that nature,but then again another thought popped into my head. I am going to go Google this boy band named One Direction and see why all the girls at school are tripping out. When I finally got my computer to open up the Internet the first most searched thing about them was... Is Harry Styles from One Direction dating Taylor Swift? Then their was some stuff about Larry Stylinson etc. popped up. Wow really the things people Google... I bet it hurts their feelings when people make them up a couple name for them ... poor boys. Then, I decided to go to Youtube and listen to one of their songs. I listened to one of their newest songs off of the newest  album and it was called 'Little Things', and to tell you the truth it was a really good song. I even thought one of the boys was kind of cute he had a very cute,cheeky smile...well anyways I snapped out of my thoughts and started working on my Math homework again. 

Once I was finally done I could feel my eyes getting droopy and watery so i decided to close them for a minute but next thing I knew I was sound asleep.

*Liam's P.O.V.*

"Wake up sleepy head", I heard a high pitched British voice say. Louis. 

"Did I sleep for the whole ride to Nashville", I asked Louis.

"Sure did mate", Louis laughed as he spoke.

"Oh, is this the hotel we will be living in", I asked

"Yep, sure is this place is HUGE", Zayn gasped.

I looked up to see a five story hotel that was completely marble. " What floor are going to be living on", I asked the guys. "Ummm... four and room 300," Zayn replied. "Look guys!" Niall shouted. "What?" we all four said in unison, sounding aggravated, tired and moody. "Gosh... just wanted to show you all the huge Christmas tree in here it is beautiful," Niall said shouting from the entrance to the hotel sounding not so excited anymore. "Well it is freezing out here lets go in and get settled," Harry said and then ran inside.

I already have this gut feeling that the rest of this school year is going to be interesting... I don't know why but I do.

Hey Guys! Okay that was Chapter 2, it was a bit longer...and i plan to make Chapter 3 even longer(: Leave COMMENTS on if you think i need to change anything! (:



All the Little Things (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt