Chapter 1

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"That's what a three story fall to the deck?" Pope pointed at John B who was stood on the rooftop of the house, peering over the edge at the rest of us. "I'd give you about a one in three chance of survival." 

That's Pope - he's the brains behind the Pogues. He's a finalist in the Lucas T scholarship, and he wouldn't shut up about it either. But he deserves it, he's one of the most-hardworking people I know, and he's got a big heart. He looks out for all of us Pogues and we appreciate him for it. 

"Should I do it?" John B asks, smirking down at the three of us who were sat below him. 

"Yeah good plan John B, I'm sick of your shit." I smirk up at him, as I take a sip of my beer and continue to swing my legs over the wall. 

"Woah, Molly don't be a rude ass." John B replies, holding his chest, mocking that my statement had offended him. I just rolled my eyes and laughed at my cousin's gesture. 

We were all sat in the backyard of a house that was currently under construction as it wasn't fully built yet. John B was stood on the rooftop of the house, whilst Pope was stood on the decking beneath him. JJ and I were sat on the wall behind the railings guarding the house, looking up at John B. 

"Bitch." JJ muttered, smirking at me as I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved his shoulder. 

"Yeah jump, I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope shouted out to John B whilst waving his drill around, signalling that that was what he would shoot him with. 

"You'll shoot me?" John B chuckled. 

"Yep, pow!" Pope played around with the drill in his hands whilst the rest of us just laughed at his antics. John B smiled down at the boy and shook his head. 

John B - my cousin - was the leader of the Pogues. He brought the group together and always looks after all of us. I moved in with him when his dad went missing 9 months ago, he was presumed dead but they never found his body. John B's chateau where I also lived was the home of the Pogues. 

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie sighed as she emerged from the inside of the house. 

Kie was the only other girl in the Pogues. She lives on figure 8 - the rich side of the island - and her parents own a successful restaurant in town, the Wreck, but she hated the Kooks, so hung out with us Pogues instead. She still went to Kook academy, but she was a true Pogue at heart. She always looks out for us Pogues, and all the boys in the group definitely have a soft spot for her. 

"Of course why wouldn't they?" I mumbled, as I leant back onto my elbows and let my blonde wavy hair flow over my shoulders. I was wearing blue denim shorts, white converse and a pink swimsuit top. 

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess." Kie sighed as she came over and joined the rest of us. 

"I can't have cold towels." JJ joked. 

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie sighed looked up at John B, noticing his position on the edge of the roof. 

"Don't spill that beer, I'm not giving you another one." JJ shouted up at John B. 

"Wow, how thoughtful of you." I teased, smiling at JJ, as he gave me the finger. 

"Whoa, oh shit." John B cursed as he cockily put too much weight over the edge and accidentally dropped his beer. 

"Of course you did, right when I told you not to." JJ sighed in an annoyed tone. 

Finally, JJ Maybank. He is referred to by John B as the 'loose canon' of the Pogues, but I disagree. I think JJ has the biggest heart out of all the Pogues. He has a rough life at home and he indulges a lot in alcohol and weed to drown his sorrows, but he looks out for us in a way that no one else does. We are his family to him, so I know how important our friendship is to him. He's a bit of a fuckboy though - a major one actually. JJ makes about one hundred sexual comments towards me in a day, but that's just JJ's personality, he doesn't mean any of it, and so I return his flirtatious banter, and that's what makes our friendship different to any of the other relationships between all the Pogues. 

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