Chapter 32

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I couldn't quite remember the whole series of events that led me to where I was now, somewhere I never in my life expected to be. In Rafe Cameron's car. With Topper, Kelce, and thankfully Alexa, who I had been successful with in persuading her to come. 

As I watched the trees pass by from the window, my mind drifted to John B and I wondered whether he had been able to reunite with the other Pogues yet or not. I try and distract my thoughts from worrying about the boy, so I turn to Alexa, and listen to the conversation she's been having with me for about the last 10 minutes, not that I had listened to it much. I'm sure she knew I wasn't really listening, but she didn't seem to care and carried on talking anyway. I made out something about a party in college, and this hot guy, and I'm sure I didn't have to listen to the rest to know what happened after that.

"Lex, would you shut up!" Topper scolded her from his position in the passenger seat, beside Rafe who was driving. Kelce, Alexa and I were huddled together in the back, thankfully I had also managed to convince Alexa to be the one to ride in the middle.

"Geez, calm down." Alexa rolled her eyes at him and then whispered into my ear so only I could hear, "He's always so moody."

I giggled quietly, but Topper must have heard it because he turns around and shoots Alexa a cold stare. Alexa shrugged her shoulders, causing Topper to shake his head and face the road in front of him instead. 

"So, Molly. How do you think your boys will feel when you show up with us?" Kelce smirked at me, both boys in the front snickering at his comment.

"Horrified I imagine." Alexa scoffed, before quickly realising what she said and covering her mouth with her hand. She glances up at me and sends me a sympathetic smile to which I nod at in response. 

"What she said." I reply.

"Don't turn up with us then." Topper mumbled.

"Ignore him." I heard Rafe speak up, "We'll hand you back over, don't you worry." Rafe smiled at me in the mirror, causing my stomach to tie itself up in knots in anxiousness at what truth lied behind his comment. 

I sit back in my seat for the rest of the journey, Alexa making occasional conversation with me every now and then, to which I responded simply, yet tiredly to. It wasn't until I heard a car door open that I realised we had pulled up at our destination.

"Okay, let's go see your boys." Alexa smiled to me, which I smiled back at. I opened the car door, her following my lead as I jumped out the car. 

"Let's go." Rafe slung his arm around my shoulder, making my stomach drop. Alexa made brief eye contact with me, as if asking if I needed her help. Instead of making the situation worse, I sent her a small smile as if telling her I was okay.

Rafe led us into an open area of grass, with a huge movie screen situated at the front, the rest of the group following behind. I scanned around the area, and whilst it was already crowded with people, my eyes never fell on a certain person I was trying to find. 

"We'll find them for you, don't worry." Rafe gave my shoulder a squeeze as if he could read my mind. I still didn't understand his motive; if what he said was true, and Pope really did mess with Topper's boat, then I doubt Rafe's going to let it go without a fight. His weight over me lessened slightly as the rest of the group caught up with us. I looked around at where we had stopped and I was surprised to see that Rafe had stopped us near the back of the field, with the toilets right behind us. 

"What a good spot." Alexa sarcastically mumbled.

"What?" Rafe defended himself. 

"We're by the toilets." I pointed out his situation.

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