Chapter 24

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"Alright, here's your stop Kie." JJ announced as he brought the Twinkie to a stop next to Kie's car.

"You got this?" I asked Kie who returned a reassuring smile towards me.

"Yeah don't worry." she smiled at me, before returning her gaze back towards John B and JJ in the front, "I'll buy you as much time as I can, but be quick." she warned, before stepping out of the door of the Twinkie. 

"Good luck." John B shouted out of the van.

"Be careful." Pope chimed in.

"Always am." Kie called back before she disappeared out of view.

"Right." JJ mumbled as he opened the door of the Twinkie from where he was sitting in the driver's seat and got out.

"What are you doing?" John B asked JJ who was now climbing in the back of the Twinkie with Pope and I.

"JJ this plan doesn't work if no one's driving the Twinkie." Pope rolled his eyes.

"I'm done driving. You're up John B." JJ simply nodded at the boy in the front.

"Fine." John B sighed, before he climbed over into the driver's seat and pulled the Twinkie off in the direction of the salvage yard.

JJ took Kie's seat next to Pope and opposite me. He glanced up at me, but I was quick to look away from his gaze, making my anger for his decisions apparent. I heard JJ sigh but I ignored it.

"I'm still not sure about stealing this drone, it's a nightmare waiting to happen." Pope voiced his opinions.

"Four hundred mil pope." I reminded him, trying to get him to worry less although I knew that was an almost impossible task. 

"Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it." John B replied.

"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope said. 

"Did you come up with that?" John B smirks, almost impressed with Pope's words. 

"Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing." Pope confirmed.

"Oh." John B replied. 

"So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?" Pope turned around in his seat so that he was facing my cousin who was still driving. 

"Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ interrupted the boy gaining our attention. As I looked at JJ, I noticed he was rolling a blunt.

"Hey!" I yelled at JJ, annoyed he was deciding now was the best time to get high.

"What?" JJ shrugged at me as he continued to roll the blunt.

"So predictable." I shook my head and lent back in my seat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" JJ raised his voice defensively. 

"It means you can't just be sensible for once. Not even for the sake of your friends." I raised my voice back at JJ and lent forwards in my seat again so I was closer to him. JJ only glared back at me, not responding verbally but showing his anger through his stare. 

"Reality." John B answered in response to Pope's earlier question. 

"Virtual reality." JJ snickered as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket and placed the blunt in his mouth.

"Don't you dare." I warned JJ through gritted teeth. JJ didn't acknowledge my words, only lit the lighter up to his blunt, but was interrupted as Pope pulled the blunt from out of his mouth before he could light it, and threw it at me. 

Torn ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now