Chapter 27

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"Hello. Earth to Molly." I heard John B's voice, snapping my attention away from the page of the book I was reading

"What?" I groaned slightly, annoyed at John B for interrupting a good chapter of the story I was reading. I looked up from my position in the yard, to see my cousin grinning down at me.

"You were lost in that. What ya reading?" John B curiously asked me.

"None of your business." I teased, retuning my attention back to the book.

"Right well I was just letting you know that DCS just called." John B dropped a bombshell on me.

"What?" I snapped my head up in shock, slamming the book shut in my hand in nervousness.

"Just kidding." he winked at me before he began to chuckle. I picked up my book again and swatted it at his legs, earning a groan from him.

"Not funny." I deadpanned, not finding humour in my cousin's joke. 

"Sorry, sorry. Just wanted your attention." he held his hands up defensively, a humorous tone to his voice. 

"There are other ways to do that you know." I rolled my eyes at John B's stupidity, but I knew I could never stay mad at him for long. 

"Kie just called." he began.

"Oooo." I interrupted him, deciding now I could get my fun on him.

"Shut up." he pointed his hand at me in warning. 

"Two ladies in one day." I continued teasing him, "Stud." I giggled to myself, met with an eye roll from John B who chose to ignore my comments. 

"Cut it out." he groaned, but I knew secretly he loved the teasing, "We're going surfing." he announced. 

"Now?" I groaned, wanting to stay in the sun reading my book. 

"Yes." he responded. 

"Nahhh, I'm good. You guys go though." I flipped him off. I heard John B sigh, clearly not satisfied with my response but I ignored him and carried on reading through the book I had become obsessed with in the last few days, only finding time to read it when we weren't hunting treasure of course. Suddenly, my reading was interrupted yet again as I felt my body be lifted off of the ground. I screamed and kicked my legs, but my efforts fell in vain as I felt John B begin to carry me inside the chateau. 

"No is not an option I'm afraid." he smirked at me.

"What, so you're kidnapping me now?" I rolled my eyes at my cousin's antics, but truthfully I expected nothing less. 

"Technically not kidnapping, no. Neither of us have a guardian, so I'm taking on that role for us. And as first step as your guardian, I am ordering that you come surfing with us." John B explained, as he put me down outside of my room in the chateau and pointed at my bedroom, motioning for me to go and get ready. 

"Why can't I be guardian?" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Because I'm older." he smugly responded, knowing I couldn't argue with that.

"Ugh." I whined, "Is the only reason you want me to go is because you're scared things are awkward between you and Kie?" I challenged him, my face being the smug one now. 

"Well, maybe partly." he smirked as he admitted it to me, "But JJ and Pope are meeting us down there after they finish so there's no one to babysit you I'm afraid." 

"I don't need a babysitter." I tried to reason with the boy but he wasn't having any of it.

"Absolutely you do." he nodded his head at me, causing me to roll my eyes and complain. John B stepped forward and I noticed his body soften before he began speaking again, "Listen, I'm not leaving you here alone okay. Who knows who could turn up. DCS could be on their way any day now, and those guys could come back again, okay. I'm not leaving you here." he explained, and this time I nodded at his response. John B was right - it wasn't safe here alone. 

Torn ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now