Chapter 39

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JJ had stopped by a tree in the woods, just leaning on it as he kept playing with his hair. I stood in silence behind him for a few moments, waiting to see if he would speak first, before I decided I couldn't take this any longer. 

"JJ?" I hesitantly asked, but got no response, "JJ!"

"What?" he responded this time, his voice raised as he turned around to face me, his chest rising up and down in anger. 

"We need to talk about this, JJ." I tried to find the words, but they never came. I didn't know what exactly I was referring to. I don't know what JJ and I needed to talk about in particular, and I don't think he did either. But we still needed to talk. 

"There's nothing to talk about sweetheart." JJ stepped towards me until our faces were only inches apart. "Go off and be with your Kook boyfriend, see if I give a shit, because guess what. I don't." JJ spoke the words harshly into my face, his eyes never breaking from mine.

"God damnit, JJ! I don't wanna be with Rafe!" I screamed at the boy, losing my patience this time. 

"Why don't I believe you?" he scoffed, shaking his head at me.

"DCS turned up after John B and I left you guys. We bolted and split up. I ran right onto a road and got hit by a car. Rafe found me unconscious on the side of the road, and when I refused hospital, he took me to Alexa. She helped me. He offered to drive me home, but I couldn't go home JJ, DCS were there. I didn't know where to find you! He offered to take me to the movie series, and I knew you guys would be there so I accepted. He put his arm around me to stop some girl from flirting with him, and when I saw you, I just froze." I admitted and explained everything to JJ. His expression remained blank, and I couldn't tell whether he believed what I was saying or not. 

"How you think it makes me feel, Molly? To see you with his arm wrapped around you, god dammit!" JJ exclaimed, as his fist made contact with the tree to his side. 

"JJ, listen to me! I don't care about Rafe, okay! He asked to talk tonight, so I talked to him and I told him how shitty he was and asked him why he fought you. I was doing it for you, JJ." I grabbed the side of JJ's face to get him to look at me, "Please believe me."

"He's a piece of shit, Molly. I don't want you around him. Ever!" JJ cried out in frustration. 

"I know." I tried to calm him down but it was no use. He shook free from my grip, and I looked down in embarrassment at thinking I could calm him down. 

"The things he says about you, Molly! It's disgusting!" he continued on his rant.

"He's using me against you, JJ. Don't let him win. He's trying to get a reaction out of you." I tried to reason with him, but he shook his head.

"You don't think I know that Molly?" JJ stepped back in front of me, making eye contact with me again as he threw his hands about dramatically. "I'm not stupid. But when he says things, about being with you, about him looking at you, or touching you..." JJ's breathing becomes heavier as he steps in to close the distance between us even more, "It angers me so much, Molly. You don't understand." JJ was stepping towards me now, forcing me to edge backwards, until my back made contact with the tree behind me. He placed his hands on the tree, on either side of my body, trapping me in, as he edged his face closer to my own. I could feel his heavy, warm pants of breath as he leaned over me, "It makes me so, so angry." he breathed.

I had been in many moments like this with JJ, and he had always made me feel weak from him being so close to me, but this time I decided I was going to be the strong one. I was going to do the one thing I never did when he got this hot and heavy with me - I was going to challenge him.

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