Chapter 25

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"Hey. Glad to see you two made it out alive." John B hung his head out of the driver's seat window of the Twinkie, greeting JJ and I who headed back over to the van. JJ still had his arm over my shoulder, and a huge smile was plastered over both of our faces. John B looked sceptically between the two of us, clearly thinking back to our earlier argument he had to break up. But John B quickly mirrored the smiles of JJ and I, happy to see us back to our usual selves. JJ and I didn't mention our argument on the walk back to the Twinkie, the adrenaline still pumping from escaping the salvage yard. 

"Hey. You get it?" JJ asked John B.

"Hell yeah I did." John B grinned back, as I leant over to high five my cousin.

"Let's go baby!" JJ fist pumped the air, before we both hopped into the back of the Twinkie, shooting each other a smile as we looked between one another. 

"How's that fantasy from reality thing shaping up now Pope?" John B teased from the driver's seat as he pulled the Twinkie away.

"We'll see." Pope responded hesitantly, still sceptical of John B's hopefulness. 

We headed off in the van to pick up Kiara from where she left her car.

"Did it work?" Kie asked as she hopped into the front seat of the Twinkie, with Pope, JJ and I in the back.

"Of course it did." John B responded in a way that said isn't it obvious.

"I'm shocked you ever doubted us Kie." JJ teased.

"Well, some of you more than others can be a liability sometimes." Kie teased, her gaze fixating on JJ towards the end of the sentence, who put his hands up in defence.

"Excuse me, you should be thanking me. I'm the reason it was a success." JJ credited himself. 

"Well, team effort I would say." Pope disagreed. 

"Who cares? We did it." I chimed in, smiling at myself in disbelief we actually pulled it off. 

"You make a great distraction Kie, I must say." John B complimented her. Ever since JJ told me the two kissed, I couldn't look at their interactions the same. John B would always compliment Kie like that in a friendly way, but now I was wondering whether he had different intentions behind it. 

"I am starving." JJ complained. 

"I have an idea." Kie smiled, all of us knowing what she was suggesting. 

"You are the best." I sighed in relief, knowing I needed food inside my stomach soon, and not just any food - good food. 

John B turned up the sound in the Twinkie, as we all danced along to the music as he drove to Kie's parents restaurant. 

"Stealing drones makes you hungry." Kie commented as John B pulled up at The Wreck. 

"What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now." JJ confessed as he hopped out of the vehicle.

"Ew." I scrunched my nose up at JJ's comment as I climbed out from behind him.

"It would not be pretty." Pope said, hopping out as well, before we all headed into the restaurant. Kie walked up to her dad, as the rest of us stood a bit away from where the girl was embracing her dad, as it was well known that Kie's parents weren't the best fans of us. They were Kooks and we were Pogues - it was as simple as that in Outer Banks. 

"Geez, look at the food." John B almost drooled as he looked around at people eating meals. He was right, I was so hungry right now and the food looked incredible. As we looked up at Kie and her dad, they were both looking at us. John B and Pope waved, whilst I simply opted to smile, mostly out of nervousness. I didn't like parents not liking me, and I get that I was a Pogue to Kie's parents, but we were her best friends and would do anything for her, so I feel we should be recognised more for our love for the girl. JJ flashed the pair a peace sign from next to me, earning himself a nudge in the ribs from me.

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