Chapter 19

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"Would you cut it out, please?" I whined at JJ, who was flicking water in my direction. 

"Sorry princess." he winked at me, holding his hands in the air in mock surrender, "Couldn't resist."

I roll my eyes at the boy's antics and focus my gaze back out onto the water. JJ and I were now both sat on the edge of the dock, with our feet hanging into the lake water below - we had been sat like this for a while now, both of us just enjoying the moment, however, JJ was clearly beginning to get bored as he had begun to splash me. 

A few more moments passed in silence before I spoke up again, "We should probably get back soon."

JJ grunted and tilted his head back, signalling he disapproved of my suggestion. 

"What, come on JJ, we've been out here for hours. The others are probably worried sick about us." I tried to reason but JJ shook his head. 

"They're fine Molly. They won't worry about us, they know I'll keep us out of trouble." he smirked.

"As if." I rolled my eyes, "But seriously JJ, may I remind you that we just had a run in with very dangerous men and the last thing they would've seen is us being chased by one of the men." 

"Ah yes, that very heroic stunt you pulled." JJ smiled at me, and I raised my eyebrows at the boy, trying to get him to take me seriously.

"JJ." I scold him, and this time he must've taken me seriously because a sigh escaped his lips and  he nodded his head that was staring out onto the surface of the water.

"I know Mols." he sighed, "I just don't wanna go."

I looked at the boy, confused as to why he didn't want to leave: a part of me hoped that I was a reason why he didn't want to go. 

"Me neither." I admit. I leant my head into JJ's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closely to his side, as he began gently rubbing up and down my arm, unknowingly soothing me. 

We sat like this in silence for a long period of time, before I decided to speak up again, "JJ?"

"Mm." he hummed in response. 

"Where did you go last night?" I dared to ask him, as I heard him inhale a sharp intake of breath, "I won't be mad I promise, I just want to know." I admit. 

Another sigh escaped JJ's lips, followed my a harsh silence, and I desperately hoped that he was going to tell me rather than just leave me wondering. 

"Well," JJ began, causing my ears to prick up, surprised he was actually about to tell me - I honestly thought he would just make up an unconvincing short lie, but his tone sounded honest and genuine. "To be honest with you Molly, when I left the chateau, I came here." he continued. 

"What?" I ask in shock, pulling my head back off his shoulder and turning so I could face the boy to try and comprehend what he was saying. He glanced at me quickly, dropping his hand off of my body and running it through his own hair instead, before his gaze fixated back on the ground again. 

Without thinking, I reached forwards and placed my hand under his chin and gently pulled it up so that his eye-line met mine. When his eyes fixated onto mine, I could see the pain hidden behind them - his blue eyes were pouring emotion into mine, and I could feel his struggle he was communicating with me just from this simple eye contact. His gaze softened slightly, as if he recognised my own eyes and found comfort in them - his expression looked tired and pained, which caused my heart to ache at the thought of his own discomfort. I wanted to hug him, but I wasn't sure that was the right thing to do, so instead, I leaned my head forwards until our foreheads were touching, and continued to search his eyes with my own, letting him know he could find safety in me. 

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