Chapter 29

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There's a moment in everyone's lives that they are simply dreading more than they ever thought they would. When I was younger, I thought going to the dentist was this indescribable fear and the worst thing that could ever happen to me and I freaked out whenever my mum would drag me to the office. But after it happened, every time I would come to the realisation that in actual fact, it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be. The same thing happened with my exams, and my driving test - months of nerves had built up, only for when it was over with, I came to the realisation I could've saved months of worrying because none of my fears were actually as bad as I had made them out to be. However, this, the dreaded day DCS would turn up to take John B and I away was something I had been dreading for months and months. But it wasn't until I was stood here, with John B, Cheryl and I just looking at another, that I actually realised this was way worse than I had ever imagined it to be. 

The silence was deafening for me - I swear I could hear John B's heart beating out of his chest, which was the only thing keeping me sane as my heart was running at a million miles an hour.

"You know, Cheryl, it's kind of a bad time for a check-in." John B was the first to speak up.

"Not a check-in. We're here to take you." Cheryl deadpanned from her spot on our couch. 

"Today?" my mouth fell open in shock. I knew this moment was coming but I hadn't truly prepared myself for it - I naively thought this wouldn't happened to us, and I mentally shot myself in the foot for trying to be such an optimist. Because sometimes, reality is just a harsh bitch waiting in the sidelines, ready to hold out her foot right as you're about to walk onto the stage for one of the best moments of your life, making you trip up and your life to come crumbling down before your eyes. 

"Really?" John B rolled his eyes, and I mentally thanked him for staying so calm as it was the only thing preventing me from spiralling right now. 

"It's just for a few weeks until your hearing." Cheryl tried to reassure us.

"No, no, no. Cheryl, look, we're not going into foster care, okay?" John B looked at me and then threw his arms out in exaggeration at Cheryl before finishing, "I'm not gonna go be a part of your little system." 

At that moment, I hear a radio beeping and John B and I turn around to see a cop walking around from behind the wall and stepping into the main room of the chateau, situating himself on the other side of the dining table John B and I were stood behind. 

"John B, Molly, this is Deputy Thomas. He works with juveniles for the sheriff's department." Cheryl introduced us to the cop who nodded at us slightly, a stern look cemented onto his face. "Look, I know your dad is down in Mississippi working at a casino," Cheryl grabbed my attention, "He hasn't been here in months. He's supposed to be John B's guardian as well."

"What?" John B sighed, before he suddenly tried to bolt it around the table, but the cop was hot on his heels chasing his every move.

"John B." I reached out my arm to stop him, as he looked at me with sorrow on his face before he turned back to Cheryl.

"No, see, that's my nightmare right there." John B pointed at the cop as he hesitated in his tracks, "Look, I... I..." John B stuttered before beginning on a rant, "I want emancipation."

"Emancipation from who? There's nobody here but you two." Cheryl shook her head.

"Uh... asylum, then." John B muttered.

"On what grounds?" Cheryl questioned. 

"On... on solid grounds. On holy grounds. Look, I feel real... real prosecuted right now by you and... especially Mr. Big Head over here." John B began to speak faster than usual, causing me to bow my head, knowing this was John B's way of expressing his desperation. It was breaking me hearing him helpless - John B always has a plan, always has a way out, but this time, I don't think anything could save us.

Torn ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now