Chapter 26

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Sunlight poured into my room, as I felt my body begin to awaken. As I opened my eyes, I realised an arm was over my waist, reminding me that JJ was in my bed. I was laying on my side, with JJ behind me in a spooning position, cuddling me from behind. My stirring must have awoken JJ, as I felt him shuffle from behind me, but neither of us dared to admit to the other we were awake or break the silence. So instead, I relaxed my body into him and breathed into the cuddle, relishing every moment that JJ had his arms tightly wrapped around me, making me feel safe from anything. 

JJ shifting himself from behind me caught my attention and interrupted my relaxed stance. He was moving about almost as if he was uncomfortable, until I felt his length brush against my thigh, and the hardness made me realise why he kept shifting. I remained still at first, waiting for JJ to settle down as he did, as my heart rate quickened and my mind contemplated what I wanted to do next. For some reason, my body felt torn - I knew what I wanted to do, but my mind was stopping me. I couldn't - what if he didn't want it, it would be so awkward. A sudden urge of confidence overcame me, and before my mind could stop me, my ass began backing up and pointing itself towards JJ, until I brushed it against his hard length. I heard a sharp intake of breath from JJ, as I continued to dig my ass into his penis, rubbing it against his boner, hoping to get a reaction out of him. My prayers were answered as I felt JJ's hands tightly grip onto my hips, as he pushed his length against me, guiding himself where he wanted to be, as I felt him angle it lower, so that he was rubbing against where I urged for him the most, the only thing separating the two of us was the fabric of his boxers against the shorts I was wearing. His fingers dug deeper into my hips as he continued to rub himself against me, as I heard a small moan escape his lips. As he quickened his pace, I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth, not being able to control my reaction to him. He continued to grind against me, both of us moaning as our breathing became heavier. However, this wasn't enough, I wanted to feel JJ more, I wanted our moans to grow as the pleasure I felt made it become harder and harder to resist turning around and bringing us closer together. But I knew I couldn't: I needed a decision like that, one that could change our friendship, to come from JJ - I needed to be sure that this was what he wanted too. His teasing became stronger, both of our moans becoming more apparent. 

"Molly." he lowly whispered into my ear, which turned me on even more and made my wetness grow. Any second now I would break. I was sure I couldn't take any more. I needed JJ, and I didn't care about the consequences, all that mattered to me was how much my body urged for him, right in this moment. Before my body could take any further steps, a knock on my bedroom door interrupted us, causing JJ to shoot away from me, pulling himself to the opposite side of the bed.

"Morning Molly." John B called out as he walked into the room, but his mouth soon dropped open in shock as he looked between JJ and I. 

"Hey." I replied nonchalantly, trying to play this moment off. 

John B continued to look between us in confusion, before his gaze finally settled on JJ and his look grew more angry, "What are you doing in my cousin's bed?" John B asked, anger apparent in his tone.

"I-" JJ began but was cut off by John B stepping closer into the room.

"Are you naked?" John B raged.

"No!" JJ defended himself. 

"What, no John B. No one is naked." I tried to reassure John B, but he looked hesitant to believe us. "Look, it's been a rough few days okay what with all the near deaths. I asked JJ if he would sleep in here, I was a bit shaken up." I plastered a smile onto my face. John B looked between us both once more, almost as if he still didn't believe us. 

"Get ready. Pope and Kie are here. We're gonna test the drone." John B spoke calmly, before he sent us both a smile and exited my room, shutting the door behind him. 

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