Chapter 33

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"Shit. Let's go." was the first thing I heard as my body awoke from unconsciousness. I was confused why I had passed out, then the throbbing pain from my stomach reminded me why. I couldn't help but let out a huge groan as my eyelids finally allowed themselves to be lifted open. 

The bright lights caused me to squint a bit and place my hand over my eyes. I lent up slightly from facing the grass, and as I did so, I realised it wasn't a bright light that was blinding me, it was a huge fire. My mind raced back to the fight, and when I noticed Kiara backing away from the screen with JJ's lighter in her hand, I concluded she must have started the fire as a distraction from the fight. I couldn't say that I wasn't thankful, because I was really fearing for the safety of JJ and Pope seeing how much the Kooks were beating them up. 

I snap my gaze over to where the fight was happening, and I see JJ and Pope getting themselves up from the ground, whilst the Kooks ran away, desperately trying to flee the scene. Kie ran over to Pope to help him up, who was groaning in pain. JJ lifted his head and our eyes connected - he hurriedly pushed himself up, grunting with pain also, before he sprinted over to where I was still planted on the ground. 

"Molly, Molly! Are you okay?" JJ ran over to me, worry laced through every syllable that left his mouth. When he reached me he lowered himself down to my side. He placed his hands gently on me, one on my back and one on my arm that was closest to him, and he stared into my eyes, looking for any sign on my face that I was okay. Despite the excruciating pain beating through my body, when JJ touched me, I still felt all the nerves on my body spark up at his single touch, igniting flames through my body. It was as if one touch from JJ could lessen the pain I was experiencing.

"I'm fine." I lied, trying to push myself up, but the pain pushed me back down again. JJ moved one of his hands to below my chin and gently lifted it, so he could see my face properly. When he took in my appearance, his eyes grew wide in shock.

"Molly, what happened? Did Rafe do this to you? I swear to god, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" JJ shouted as he slammed his fist into the ground next to me, causing me to flinch. He noticed this and quickly hid his anger and placed his hands back on me, rubbing circles onto my skin to calm me down. 

"No. He didn't do this." I winced as I leant up slightly. 

"Hey, shh." JJ hushed me as the pain continued to make its presence known. I mustered the strength to try to roll over so I would be lying on my back, to take the pressure off my stomach.

I looked down at my stomach, which was covered by one of Alexa's tops she had leant me, but once again, I could see the ruby coloured stain blasting through the top. 

"Oh my god, Molly!" JJ exclaimed with wide eyes as he too noticed the stain on my top. Not wasting any time, JJ pulled up my top to reveal the huge wound on my stomach I had picked up earlier, but when Rafe threw me down, it must've caused me to reopen the wound as it was bleeding heavily. 

"It's fine." I mumbled, not wanting to be a burden on the Pogues. 

"No it's sure as hell not fine, Mols. Shit." JJ cursed. "Pope, get over here!"

"Holy shit." I heard Pope's voice as Kie helped him over to where JJ was lying over me. 

I felt myself begin to feel dizzy as I watched the blood pouring out of my wound. I felt Pope kneel down next to JJ, as he examined me further. 

"Molly, can you feel it?" Pope asked me.

"I- I- uh... I don't feel so good." I stuttered, struggling to get my words out as I grew increasingly tired. 

"Molly, stay with us." Kie kneeled down and held my head in her hands. JJ's eyes never left mine, he was rocking backwards and forwards in his seat, and he kept cursing under his breath, his face full of rage. 

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