Chapter 17

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 "Guys." I hissed, trying desperately to get their attention. 

"You're missing a letter." Kie continued talking as Pope and JJ listened intently, meaning none of them had taken notice of my call.

"Guys! Somebody's here." I call out again, this time in a harsher tone, causing all three of them to snap their heads up and meet my gaze, their faces all resembling a mixture of confusion and panic. The three head over and stand behind John B and I, peering out of the window to see what had gained our attention. 

"Guys, guys, is that them?" Kiara stuttered, as her voice wavered in panic as she recognised the two men who were heading for the house. 

"No." JJ shook his head in disbelief. 

"Is that them?" Kie asked again, her voice higher this time. 

"This is suboptimal." Pope panicked. 

"John B, I told you. Why does it always-" JJ began pacing the room, raising his voice as he laced his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself down. My insides sank at seeing the boy this panicked - I wanted to just pull him into a hug and tell him everything would be okay, but I knew that wasn't the right move. 

"JJ! Hey, look at me." John B grabbed JJ by the collar and pushed him up against the door, as he looked directly into his eyes to try and calm the blonde-haired boy, "Where's the gun?" John B asked.  

"Gun? I, uh, I can't..." JJ rubbed his head and hesitated. 

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?" Kie cried out, running her hands through her hair, making me feel for the girl. 

"Hey Kie, look at me. It's gonna be okay, alright?" I put my hands on the girl's shoulders and held eye contact as I reassured her. She nodded lightly back at me before taking a few deep breaths. 

"It was in my backpack, and then I-" JJ thought out loud, trying to remember the location of the gun.

"Backpack..." I began, whacking my brain to try and remember where I last saw that, "On the porch. It's on the porch." I announced, before I pulled the door open and ran out of the room and into the direction of the porch. 

"No Molly get back here!" I heard John B shout after me, but it was too late - I was already in the lounge area of the chateau. I look towards the porch and I'm about to open the door, but a hand grabbed my own and yanked it away from the door handle. They snaked their arm around my waist and pulled me to lay onto the ground in a spot next to them - I turned my head to see who it was, and I was met with the face of JJ. 

"What-" I began, but JJ clamped a hand over my mouth. I glanced around: JJ had obviously run after me, and in a very superhero move, had jumped onto the ground, and pulled me down with him. He was laying on his back, arching his back and head up slightly so he could see me - I was laid on my front just beside him, our faces only inches apart. I looked down at his hand that was over my mouth, preventing me from speaking, and then back up so that our eyes were locked together. 

The sound of a gasp snapped me from my thoughts. I glanced over to where the noise had come from, to see John B stood in the doorway to the office, his eyes popping out of his head as he looked between us, and then up to the front porch. I furrowed my brows in confusion to what he was looking at - I turned my head to peer up to the front porch, but JJ pulled my head so I was staring back at him. 

"Don't look." he warned, but my confusion got the better of me and I leaned up slightly so I could see onto the front porch. A gasp escaped my mouth, and JJ pulled me in so I was closer to him, keeping me by his side. The two men were now stood on the front porch, peering into the room. JJ and I were sat directly below a window - if we moved we would be caught. Panic filled my body as I looked up at JJ, who stared down at me with a hopeful expression, as if silently communicating with me that we would be okay. I responded to his gesture with a nod, letting him know that I appreciated it. 

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