Chapter 14

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JJ and I pulled up outside of the Wreck, that I had driven us to in the Twinkie, to pick up our food. 

"Let's go." JJ said, as I put the van into park and we climbed out of the Twinkie. JJ and I walked over to the door of the Wreck, as he pulled it open and gestured for me to go in first, "Ma lady." he bowed down at me, as I smirked and walked through the door first. 

"Why thank you, kind Sir." I played along, as JJ followed me through the door and inside. The restaurant was quite packed - as always in the Summer - as we walked through the tables of people and up to the front desk. 

"Boo!" JJ shouted, causing Kiara - who was stood at the desk, noting something down on her waitress' notepad - to jump in shock at the boy. 

"Geez, JJ." she complained, frustrated at his antics as he burst out laughing. 

"Got ya." he laughed, causing Kie to simply roll her eyes. 

"What are you guys doing here?" she looked between the both of us. 

"We're hungry, we want takeout." I responded and she nodded her head. 

"Where's John B?" she asked, a serious tone in her voice. 

"Hm, why do you care?" JJ pried the girl, and I elbowed him in the ribs, deciding now was not the time to grill Kiara about what was going on between the two of them. 

"Ow." JJ mumbled. 

"He's at the chateau. Still engrossed with the compass." I sighed, causing Kiara to frown as well. 

"Poor guy." she frowned. 

"Yeah, yeah, poor John B. But come on guys, he'll be fine and I'm starving. So Kiara, can you please just go and get us some food before I die?" JJ remarked, causing me to laugh at his tone and Kie to roll her eyes at the boy. 

"Geez JJ, bit dramatic." Kie scolded him. 

"What? I'm saying it in a nice way?" he shrugged his shoulders in defence, and looked at me pleadingly for support. 

"What he means is, can we please have some food so we can return back to John B with some goods to cheer him up." I summarise for Kie and she nods. 

"Sure. Wait here." she smiles at us, before disappearing back into the kitchen. 

"Moody ass." JJ remarks about the girl after she has walked away. 

"Shut up JJ." I roll my eyes and laugh at the boy. 

"Make me." he smirks at me, and I cross my arms at his response. 

"Really?" I sigh. 

"Sorry, baby girl. Thought you would like it." he teased. 

"Hm, why would you think that?" I raised my eyebrows at him, whilst smirking back. 

"Well, after that stunt you pulled at the Kegger last night, I thought you might want a round two." JJ playfully teased me, causing my mouth to drop open in shock at his comment. I tried to regain composure, trying not to seem phased by what he had said. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted. 

"Here you are guys." Kie arrived back at the desk and interrupted us, as she handed over a takeaway bag with some food in it.

"Yessss!" JJ cheered as he took the bag off of her. 

"Thanks Kie." I smiled at her gratefully. 

"No problem. Just look out for John B okay?" she stared back at us, as JJ nodded. 

"We will, I promise." I smiled at her, reaching forwards to squeeze her hand in reassurance. 

"Alright." she squeezed my hand back, as JJ and I turned to leave, "I'll see you guys later."

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