Chapter 4

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"Mols - hey Mols come on. Wake up." I felt John B nudging my shoulder as I peeled my eyes open to see him stood next to my bed. "Come on you gotta get up we have our meeting in a bit."

I groaned at the thought of having to get up, but I knew I couldn't fight it as this was a really important moment for John B and I. 

"Alright I'm up." I yawned as John B nodded at me and left the room. 

I sat up in my bed, shielding my face from the bright sunlight that was pouring in through my bedroom window. I looked next to me in bed to see Kie shuffling in her sleep and I was glad that John B hadn't startled her either as she would definitely appreciate the lie in, as I knew she drunk quite a lot last night. I rubbed my eyes, finally letting the sunlight in and gave my eyes a moment to adjust. I rolled out of bed and sighed at my reflection in the mirror - I definitely needed to make myself look a lot more presentable for our meeting if we wanted it to go well. I glanced over at the time on my phone and I sighed in relief when I saw I had enough time to get ready properly - John B clearly knew I would want to prepare so woke me up with enough time to spare: he has his thoughtful moments. 

I quietly closed the door to my bedroom and stepped into the open plan area of the chateau. I looked around and noticed that Pope was snoring lightly on the couch.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." I whispered to John B who was in the kitchen buttering some toast for himself. He nodded at me in response, before I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. 

When I headed back to my room, I noticed Kie was still asleep in my bed. I looked through my wardrobe trying to find an appropriate outfit, but to be honest, I don't think there was any outfit in the world that could say 'please let us two 16 year olds carry on living unsupervised'. Somehow I just don't think any outfit was gonna cut it. I pulled out a body con dress from my wardrobe - it was a khaki colour and hugged my figure perfectly. I put it on and stared at myself in the mirror: it came to just above the knee and the thin straps accentuated my cleavage nicely, without being too revealing, in hopes it would make me look mature. I dried and curled my hair, again hoping it would make me look mature before reaching for my makeup bag. 

Living in the Outer Banks where we were constantly in and out of the water and spending long amounts of time away from the chateau, I usually kept my make up quite minimal, but today I decided to go all out. I applied a layer of foundation and swept some concealer under my eyes to highlight, before sweeping powder across my face. I applied bronzer, blush and some highlight onto my face, adding something else to my look. I reached for my eyebrow pen and filled them in neatly, before applying liquid eyeliner onto my eyes, being sure to give myself a cat-eye look for effect. Finally, I added some mascara to my eyelashes and finished the look with lip gloss. 

I go over to the mirror to admire the final look - I definitely think I achieved the mature look I was aiming for with the outfit, and the hair and make-up just compliments it further. For the first time, I felt confident about this meeting. I reached over and sprayed some of my favourite perfume, before smiling at myself and heading out of my bedroom quietly, as Kie had somehow managed to sleep through me blow-drying my hair. 

(A/N: I have attached a picture of the dress I imagine Molly in at the top of the chapter!)

Pope was still fast asleep, and I noticed John B was stood on the porch just outside of the chateau, so I headed out there. He turned around when he heard footsteps and a look of shock crossed his face when he saw me. 

"Wow Molly, uh - you look nice, I mean you clean up nice." he stuttered over his words looking me up and down, clearly in shock as I never really make this much effort with my appearance. 

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