Chapter 36

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Midsummers was shitter than I expected. I knew it was a Kook event, and naturally I would be out of place, but this was worse than I expected. 

When I arrived with Alexa, we had hung out for a bit and she had gotten me some drinks, perks of her being 21. We split up, and she's been socialising and mixing with her Kook circle ever since, and I've just been mooching around, feeling incredibly out of place. 

I was able to breathe a sigh of relief when I saw two familiar faces, and quickly headed over to the pair. 

"Hey." I greeted Pope and Kie as I stood next to the pair who were having a conversation. Their attention quickly turned to me and they both smiled.

"Hey, Molly. I'm so glad you're here!" Kie smiled, pulling me into a warm hug which I accepted.

"Hey." Pope greeted me when I pulled back from Kiara's embrace, and surprisingly he pulled me into a hug as well. "What are you doing here?" he asked when he pulled back.

"Alexa dragged me here." I explained and they both nodded.

"You look beautiful." Kie complimented me.

"So do you." I warmly returned her kindness. 

"You do look good." Pope surprised me with his words, as his eyes looked me up and down. 

"Alright perv. Cut it out." I smirked, causing Kie to giggle and Pope just rolled his eyes at me. Kie was wearing a lilac dress, with a pink flower crown complimenting the look, and Pope had a shirt on, as he was working the event with his father. 

"Is everything okay then?" Kie asked me, nodding her head to my stomach where my injury was.

"Yeah, I'm all good now. I just gotta be careful." I explained.

"You're so lucky Mols. We were really worried for a minute there." Pope shook his head, almost trying to rid himself of the memories.

"I know." I sighed, not wanting to be reminded of what I've been through any more. 

"Let's forget about it for now. Let's have fun." Kie linked her arms with mine and shot me a wink, causing a huge grin to appear on my face.

"I second that." I smiled to the girl, clinking our drinks together, and Pope just sighed, him clearly feeling out of place with our girly moment. "Oh liven up a bit, Pope. You escaped juvie, so there's that to celebrate." I giggled slightly, the drink clearly catching up with me.

"Don't joke about that. It's serious." Pope warned me, and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"You're always so uptight Pope. You gotta learn to loosen up a bit." I nudged his shoulder, but he kept his serious expression. 

"You sound exactly like JJ." Pope shook his head, and my stomach dropped at the mention of the boy I had been having trouble getting out of my mind lately. 

My thoughts were interrupted, when the Cameron family entered what could only be described as their palace. Ward and Rose Cameron stepped out first, Ward dressed in a suit whilst his younger wife, who was clearly only with him for his money, revealed herself in a hot pink dress with a headband that had huge spikes coming out of it.

"Here come Lord Capital and the Exploiters." Kie sighed from next to me.

"She's gonna poke somebody's eye out with that." Pope grimaced, causing me to giggle at his extremely true statement. 

Rafe and Sarah stepped out behind the couple and the memories surged from seeing the pair of siblings. I first looked at Sarah, and I was still a little shocked from John B's revelation of the pair kissing. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and a white floral headband to match, and I could see why John B was so attached to her - still, I couldn't actually believe the pair had kissed. Kie groaned from beside me when she saw Sarah, her arch enemy - I wonder how John B is going to explain this one to Kie. Because, boy, she would not be happy about that. 

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