Chapter 5

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"Hey guys how did it go?" Pope asks, as John B and I walk back in the chateau to see JJ and Pope sat on the couch. 

"Pretty shit to be honest." I admit, and they both send us sympathetic smiles as we head to the kitchen to unload the groceries. JJ and Pope join us in the kitchen to help us unload our items. 

"Where's Kie?" John B asks, changing the subject as neither of us wanted to talk about it. 

"She went home." JJ states and John B nods. 

"You looked busy this morning JJ." John B laughs as JJ rolls his eyes. 

"Shut up dude." JJ responds. 

"What was her name this time?" Pope asks, teasing JJ. 

"Pope." JJ warns. 

"Ooo, what a cute name." Pope replies, causing all of us apart from JJ to laugh. 

"Let me guess, you don't remember her name." I join in on teasing JJ, attempting to hide the pang of jealously in my blood. 

"Very funny guys." he rolls his eyes, "But actually Molly you're wrong. I do remember her name, it was Anna." 

"Aww like from Frozen." John B remarks, causing Pope and I to laugh. 

"Yeah laugh at me all you want, but I didn't see any of you guys getting laid last night." JJ responds. 

"Maybe that's just because you didn't walk in on us like we did to you." John B argues with JJ. 

"Oh yeah thanks for that by the way guys." JJ points between John B and I. 

"You're welcome, thought you'd appreciate the cockblock." I smirk at JJ, even though he could tell from my shocked expression this morning that I had no idea what he was doing in there. 

"I'd appreciate it from you any day babydoll." JJ winks at me, "But maybe not from you man." he gestures over to John B. 

"Aw am I not your babydoll?" John B pouts. 

"And what about me babydoll?" Pope joins in, giving JJ puppy-dog eyes as I laugh, enjoying this moment. 

"I'm gonna kill you guys." JJ deadpans pointing at the two boys. 


"What you saying Pope? We surfing this storm surge or what?" John B asks from his hammock. Me and the boys were in the backyard swinging in the hammocks. John B and Pope were in their own hammocks, whilst JJ and I were sharing one. He was sat lying on his back with his hands resting behind his head, whilst I was cuddled into his side with one arm laid over his waist. 

"I dunno man, do you really think that's a good idea?" Pope asked with hesitance in his voice. 

"Yeah bro, we'll be fine." John B responded carelessly. 

"Fine." Pope gave in. 

"You guys coming?" John B asked looking over at JJ and I. 

"You're crazy JB. There's no way I'm surfing that surge." I remark. 

"There's no way you would be able to surf the surge Mols." JJ commented, causing me to elbow him in the ribs and him to wince in pain. 

"Whoops my bad." I mumbled an apology to JJ sarcastically, as he just chuckled and shook his head. 

"You in JJ?" John B asked him. 

"Nah bro, someone's gotta look after the princess here." he responded hesitantly, nodding in my direction. 

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