Chapter 34

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"Shit." was all Alexa could say after I had finished explaining the whole timeline of JJ and I to her. I included everything about our relationship, not sparing any details about our time together growing up, from every near kiss we've been having of late.

"I know." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"I'm sorry." she began to laugh. 

"For what?"

"For interrupting your moment. I feel bad." she admitted, and I waved her comment off, breaking out into laughter myself. I felt the pain in my stomach as I laughed, but it was a lot less than before. 

"What happened to me then?" I ask, and she sighs.

"You were really bad." she admitted, causing me to gulp at the memories. "When Rafe threw you, it reopened your stomach wound. You lost a lot of blood. You had passed out from it when I had got there, and it was too late. I knew there was nothing I could do that could save you."

My stomach turned at the thought. 

"JJ was freaking out. I told them they had to take you to the hospital, or you would die. JJ lifted you up instantly. He carried you and held you the whole way in the car. He never left your side. He carried you into the hospital and they took you straight into surgery. We were all worried about you, but JJ he didn't stop pacing and sweating. They threatened to kick him out because he was shirtless, so he put on his top instead that was drenched in your blood." she told the story, and I felt myself shaking at it. "Do you want me to stop?" she asked.

"No." I shook my head, telling her it was okay and she continued, 

"Pope and Kiara went and got him a fresh shirt, and he put it on. Then they came and told us you were out of surgery and we could see you. When we came in here, you were so out of it, all these tubes coming out of you. JJ ran straight over to you, and just held you. He was crying, I never thought I could see him like that." when she told that part of the story, my heart ached for the boy. I never thought he would be so distraught. 

"We all sat with you for a while, but then the nurse came by and said only one person was allowed to stay with you. None of us had to say anything, we knew who it was gonna be. So we left for the night, and JJ stayed. He hasn't left your side until just now." Alexa revealed. 

"Wow, I, uh." I was so stunned from her story that I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to respond, or take in all the information she's just told me.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about all that now. You're okay, they gave you stitches on your stomach. You're gonna be okay. They want to keep you in again tonight, just to monitor you. And you're on some pretty strong painkillers as well." she reassured me.

"You don't understand Alexa. I can't stay here another night." I panicked, knowing I was gonna end up in foster care by tomorrow.

"It's okay, you're safe here." she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"No, Alexa. You don't get it." I began to get more worked up, but she interrupted me.

"Listen to me, Molly. You're safe. Everything's taken care of." she held a serious expression on her face.

I scrunched my face up in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're registered here under my name." she spoke quietly, and I blinked a couple times out of shock.


"I'm serious Molly. Don't worry about it. You just need to focus on getting better." she told me, and all I could do in response was nod. 

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