Chapter 15

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"Molly." I wake up to someone tickling the bottom of my foot. I burst out laughing and yank my foot out of their grip, as I sit upright and rub my eyes, before I glance up and see John B laughing at me at the end of my bed. "Morning." he smiles at me. 

"Morning." I yawn. "How come you're up before me?" I ask.

"JJ frightened the shit out of me this morning. He pretended to be DCS and everything." John B explained, causing my stomach to drop at the mention of his name. 


Once again, JJ never came back to the chateau last night, after he once again, stormed off after our argument. I thought about going to look for him, but he was probably staying the night at that girl's house again, so I knew my search would be pointless. 

"What a dick." I mutter quietly.

"Huh?" John B asks me to repeat my statement. 

"Nothing." I respond quickly, "Is he here?" 

"Yeah he's in the living room." John B furrows his eyebrows, "Why is everything okay with you two?" 

"Yeah it's fine. We just had a bit of an argument last night." I admit, trying to play it off. 

"Yeah." John B sighed, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "I figured as much when I saw him storm out of the house and speed out of here on his motorbike last night." 

I sighed, my mind racing with possibilities over what JJ did last night in his angered state. 

"Anything you wanna talk about?" John B asks me gently, not wanting to press the situation. 

"No it's fine. It was just a stupid argument, nothing to worry about." I force a smile at John B, who sends one back. 

He hesitates for a moment before he finally nods, "Okay." 

"How are you, anyway? After the whole compass thing?" I ask John B, trying to change the subject. 

"Yeah much better anyway. That's actually why I woke you up. I have a plan." he tells me enthusiastically. 

"What plan?" I ask, dreading what he had planned. 

"You'll see. Just get ready, you're coming with JJ and I." he orders me, as I groan at the thought of having to go along with what was most likely a reckless plan, and for having to see JJ. 

"Really?" I whine at the boy, but he ignores my complaints. 

"Get ready." he calls out to me as he heads out of my bedroom and shuts the door behind him. I pulled the cover over my head and groaned.  

Ugh - today was not gonna be a good day. 


John B, JJ and I were in the Twinkie, heading to a destination I was still yet to be informed about. The boys were already waiting in the van when I finished getting ready - John B was driving and JJ in the passenger seat - so when I got in, I simply hopped into the back of the van without saying a word. John B and JJ have chatted amongst themselves, but neither JJ or I have addressed each other yet. I think John B could pick up on the tension, as he didn't say a word to me or JJ either: only responded to JJ's conversation.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara." JJ began talking to John B about his situation with Kie. "She clearly likes you.She's like, oh, John B." JJ says, pretending to moan the latter part of the sentence. 

"Is that what she does?" John B responds sarcastically, as I rolled my eyes from the back seat. 

"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you." JJ tries to make a point, but John B interrupts.

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