Chapter 42

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It felt like I had been walking for hours - my feet and legs were aching beyond belief, but finally I had arrived at Kie's family restaurant, The Wreck. I knew this was where the other Pogues would be, so I smoothed down the dress from last night that I was still wearing, and braced myself before walking in. 

Instantly the smell of fresh coffee filled my lungs, and it wasn't until now that I realised just how hungry and thirsty I was. Spending last night in a hospital chair had begun to take its toll on me, and as I clocked eyes with JJ across the restaurant, I realised that's exactly what he put himself through just a couple days earlier for me.

JJ was stood next to a table that Kie and Pope were sat opposite each other at. He was wearing a grey vest top, that allowed his arm muscles to be perfectly on show, something I was eternally grateful for, and he had paired it with a pair of cargo shorts. JJ held my eye contact, a sheepish look plastered on his face, making my stomach gulp at the sight. He was holding a coffee cup in his hand, and slowly lifted it to make contact with his mouth, as he used the excuse to break our eye contact.

I wasn't surprised to see JJ reacting like this. What did I expect - for me to come in and for him to run over to me, kiss me again, and profess his undying love for me? Yeah, probably not. So reluctantly, I brush the image out of my head, and stride over towards the group. 

"Hey." Pope stood up when he was the first one to see me, "Are you okay?" his eyes seemed concerned for me, and I didn't blame him - I looked like shit. But when I looked between all three Pogues, I realised their worried looks were over John B.

"He's okay." I answered the question burning through their minds. 

"What happened?" Kie asked me, pulling on my arm for me to take the seat next to her at the table, which I did so. Pope took his seat opposite Kie, whilst JJ remained in his standing position - listening, but not looking. 

"Broken wrist." I answer, "Other than that he's fine."

"Oh thank god." Kie breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Sweet mercy." Pope mumbled, he too bursting with relief. I saw JJ visibly exhale a breath he was holding, but no words came from him. 

"There's more." I mumble, causing the others to snap their attention back to me, their faces furrowed with confusion. 

"What is it?" Pope shook his head for me to reveal what I was holding. 

"He's moving in with the Camerons." I announce.

"What?" Kie almost shouted out in disbelief. 

"The Camerons?" Pope shook his head in disbelief, "Why?"

"Ward's adopting him." I answer, playing with my fingers that lay in my lap. 

"What the fuck?" Pope dropped back in his seat, presumably in shock.

"Adopting him? Why?" Kie asked furiously, her mind still not wrapping around why John B would do this. 

I hesitated. I still felt the anger fresh in my body at the reason why he was doing it. I understood his reasoning of course, but it still didn't make it hurt any less that he was abandoning me. I gulped, as the others looked at me in confusion, urging me to answer their question. "To clear him from DCS." I nervously answer. 

"Shit." Pope mumbled, now understanding why John B was doing what he was doing, but his expression gave away that he didn't approve. Kie sighed and leant backwards in her seat, not knowing how to handle that news. But neither of them had acknowledged why I was so sad about it - except JJ. 

Instantly, JJ's head snapped up and for the first time since I started speaking, he was looking directly at me. His face was plastered with frustration, his eyes pouring into my own, trying to reassure me, as if he knew exactly what was going through my mind. "What about you?" his voice broke the silence, as his gaze never left my own.

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