Chapter 41

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I shuffled on my feet slightly so I could see around Rafe and the view that he was obstructing. JJ, Pope, Kie and Sarah had entered the waiting room, and were stood by the entrance, frantically snapping their heads around the waiting room as if they were looking for something.

"Oh." was all I heard from Kie's mouth as she was the first one to spot me. I guessed I was the something that they were looking for. The others turned to look at me - Sarah scrunched her face up in confusion as she looked between me and her brother.

Pope looked between the two of us in disbelief, before rolling his eyes and mumbling "Oh boy."

But that wasn't the face that I was staring at: I was staring at JJ. His cap was still placed on his head, and his expression remained still and lifeless. The more I stared though, the ticking in his jaw and the hatred seething out of his eye sockets began to appear. I gulped. JJ and I had shared the perfect moment earlier, but right now: all I could see from his look was that he wanted to take it all back.

"You need to leave. Now." I turned to Rafe, warning him and sending him a look not to follow me as I walked away from him and headed towards the Pogues.

To my surprise, he didn't follow. But that didn't stop JJ's anger.

"Why is my brother here?" Sarah was the first person to speak. I looked at the blonde girl, who was the only one who looked confused - the rest just looked pissed.

"Your boyfriend brought him." I snapped back a little too harshly, but I needed anything to take the glaring off of me, and Topper would be the perfect target.

Sarah hesitated before sheepishly speaking, "What?"

"Your boyfriend came looking for you. I told him he could wait for you." I pointed at the blonde Kook who was sat in a chair in the waiting room. As I pointed at him, his eyes grew wider and he quickly jumped up in his seat, his throat moving as he presumably gulped at the sight of the friends of the guy he had put in hospital.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" JJ spat as he angrily marched towards the Kook.

"Shit." I mumbled, looking to Kie and Pope for support. Kie looked at me worriedly, but Pope didn't take his eyes off JJ, a furious expression plastered on his face.

"It's not what you think." Topper defended himself, backing up as JJ grew increasingly closer to him with his quick strides.

"Hey, easy." Rafe stepped between JJ and Topper, placing his hand gently on JJ's chest to shove him backwards slightly. JJ's vision snapped from Topper and to Rafe, and this time, his anger appeared to grow.

"Don't fucking touch me, man!" JJ yelled, shoving Rafe backwards this time. Rafe shook his head and laughed, a smug look on his face.

"You just can't help yourself, can you, Pogue? You're looking more and more like your dad each day." Rafe smirked.

"Right, that's it!" JJ screamed as he lunged towards the boy with no hesitation. He pulled him in by the collar and landed a punch straight on his face.

Rafe chuckled, "Is that all you got?" he riled on JJ before he punched him straight back in the face. Topper tried to pull Rafe away from JJ, but Rafe quickly wriggled free from his gasp.

I looked at Pope, Kie and Sarah, none of them looking like they were going to intervene anytime soon, so without further thought, I lunged myself forwards too.

"Stop it!" I cried, from behind the pair, but my attempt was useless as they both continued to grip onto one another and throw punches alternatively.

"Hey, hey!" shouts from down the corridor interrupted my panicking state. I turned to where the shouting was coming from, and saw two buff security guards running towards the scene. With some struggle, they finally managed to pull the two apart.

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