♥23♥ Happy White Day, and...

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It's a Sunday on March 14th. In Japan, there's a special day on this date and that's White Day. Think of it as the opposite of Valentine's Day instead of the girls making chocolates or cookies for the guys they love, it's the day where the guys return the feelings and make the girl they chose feel special. 

"My idea of celebrating your birthday is being away from my little brother but I will let this one slide since you want to make cookies with Michiyo." Kamitani said while Taka was nearby in the cooking class room. 

The Babysitter's Club, Nezu and his little brothers, Inomata and Ushimaru were all invited by Yagi to use the cooking classroom to make cookies for White Day today. 

The kids all wanted to make cookies for their mothers so they're really looking forward to making the cookies too. 

"Today is Michiyo's birthday too!" Even though March 14th was Ranfa's birthday, it's also Michiyo's birthday. 

"Why is Michiyo younger but Fafa is older when birthday is the same?" Taka doesn't know how that worked. He's confused. 

Ranfa being Ranfa, she decided to tell him in the most simplest way she could put it. 

"Because Fafa's mother gave birth earlier and Michiyo came out many years later." She thought it would make things easier for Taka but she doesn't realize it just made the little Kamitani even more confused than before.

"Oi, stop it, you'll just confuse him even more. He's already dumb than a box of rocks so don't make it worst." 

"Eh? It's still confusing? Sorry about that, Taka." 

It was too late, the damage had already been done. Taka was wondering how it was possible to give birth to two people on the same day but there was an age gap. 

"Taka, trying to think when you don't have a brain is going to hurt your head even more." Usaida patted his head. 

"Usaida-san, that is mean..." 

Ushimaru was happy to get an invite too. She's happy that she could bake cookies with Ryuuichi! "Ah! Ranfa-san and Michiyo-chan, happy birthday! I-I didn't know it was your birthday so I don't have any presents!" 

"That's okay, a fun day with friends is a good enough present for me." Ranfa said with a happy smile, "Anyway! What kind of cookies are we making-" 

Inomata slammed the bags of flours onto the counter! She then held hand sanitizers in each hand. She's got a demanding face on because she's not happy with a lot of things. For example...

"Don't use your phone if you are handling food! That's absurd!" This was directed at Yagi, who was bleeding from his nose while video recording the babies from his phone. "Everybody line up and sanitize your hands either from hand sanitizers or from the taps with soap! If you don't wash your hands properly, what if you all get food poisoning from colon bacterium or salmonella?! Show me your hands! Let's all thoroughly clean them up!" 

The babies were shivering as they lines up and held out their tiny little hands. They're scared of the demanding Inomata Maria. 

Michiyo held her hands out too. "Salmonella sounds icky." While the teenagers knew what salmonella was, little Michiyo thought salmonella was the combination of a cooked salmon with nutella spread on top. She doesn't like the idea of it. She'd rather have the two separated from another. 

And the preparations began. The kids will need a lot of help! 

"First is 230 grams of flour." Inomata said. 

♥Days of Happiness♥Gakuen Babysitters♥Kamitani Hayato♥Where stories live. Discover now