♥02♥ Baby Tsugumi

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"Finally, we're going to be late- who is that, Hayato?" She was waiting for Kamitani outside his apartment building. She was expecting Taka and Kamitani, but he came with a crying baby that wouldn't shut up. 

"Huh?" Why was Kamitani carrying a baby...and why does the baby have his eyes? 

"Oh...that day has finally come, has it?" She already knew the danger of dating a good looking guy like Kamitani! She shouldn't be surprised some girl got to him before she did and pop a baby out! She read articles about the high teenage pregnancy in both America and Britain, but she didn't realize such a trend would go all the way from the West to the East! "Kamitani Hayato, whose baby is that? Who did you sleep with, and why do you have the baby?" 

"Why is that the first thing you ask, you idiot? This baby is my baby cousin." He will not admit it, but he jumped a little when she called his full name! You know that's not a good sign when someone close with you doesn't just call your name but your full one! 

"Oh, then that changes the whole story~! Wahh~! What a cute baby! Michiyo, look at the baby~." 

"Oh, so NOW the baby is cute?" 

"Of course. All babies are cute. What's your name, little man?" 

"Amazing, you've just completely wiped out what you have said..." He sighed, "His name is Tsugumi."  

"Pfft! Everyone in your family is named after a type of bird or something~?" She teased, given the fact Hayato and Taka meant falcon and eagle. Tsugumi meant 'thrush' in Japanese. She liked the naming sense, it's adorable. 

Apparently his mother's sister and her husband were both down with the flu and needed to go to the hospital. They couldn't take the young baby to the hospital in case the baby catches anything. Kamitani's Mother decided it would be a lot easier if Kamitani took the child to the daycare center. 

"Goddammit, he won't shut up. He is lucky he is not Taka's age, I would have socked his face in by now." 

"Want me to carry the baby? I have experience."

"Alright." Kamitani allowed Ranfa to carry the baby. In return, he kept an eye on Taka and Michiyo for her. 

Ranfa looked very happy with the baby. She was smiling happily because Tsugumi reminded her of when Michiyo was a baby. "You know, Michiyo? You were a baby too one time." 

"I was~? I don't remember." Michiyo said as she held Kamitani's hand. 

"You were."

Seeing her like this, Kamitani smiled a little; Ranfa was like a mother, it's adorable. 

"Hehe~, if we have children, it'd definitely be like this." 

"...idiot." He walked a little faster than her because his face was red. 

"Heh." She could tell it's red because the back of ears were red.


When they got to the daycare center, Tsugumi was crying nonstop yet again because Kamitani was holding him. Tsugumi doesn't seem to like Kamitani despite the fact they had the same eyes. 

"Pfft! Is this yours and Ranfa-chan's love child?" Usaida laughed, finding Tsugumi's appearance hilariously like Kamitani's. 

"My baby cousin." He answered back.

After a phone call from Kamitani's mother, the new baby will be in the daycare center for the time being. 

"Ah, why is everyone over there?" Ranfa sweatdropped because all the babies were standing by the toy box, peeping their eyes out as they stared curiously at the new member. 

♥Days of Happiness♥Gakuen Babysitters♥Kamitani Hayato♥Where stories live. Discover now