♥24♥ Injury

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"You always tell me to rely on you and others if I need anything yet when you need help, you don't reach your hand out until shit hits the fan." What was Ranfa talking about? She's talking about her boyfriend being a hypocrite.

"I already said it's not that bad-" 

"Here, chopsticks." When she dropped them into his hands, Kamitani couldn't grip it properly like a normal person would and so it fell to the table.

So what happened? 2 days ago he slipped in the bathroom and he sprained his wrist. He didn't say anything until it swelled up so bad that he ended up with a fever. He's well enough to go to school tomorrow but he couldn't grip things with his dominant right hand so note takings will be taken by either Ryuuichi or Ranfa. 

"A sprained wrist is bad and you should have said something on the day that you slipped. You're going to be a baseball player, aren't you? Your hands are very important to you." Iwaizumi said to him. 

Kamitani was at Ranfa's place for dinner. 

"Shall I re-bandage your hand for you after dinner?" Shiki offered Kamitani. 

"Huh? No thank you, it's really fine." 

"Be sure to go to your doctor for a final check up." Shiki reminded him like a mother would for their own son. 

"It's not that big of a deal-" 

"HAH?! What do you mean it's not that big of a deal?!" Iwaizumi snapped at Kamitani while breaking his own pair of chopsticks! 

"Uwah! Daddy is angry!" Michiyo said out loud! She clapped her hands because she liked seeing Iwaizumi angry especially when he's directing his anger at other people. 

"If you're going to go for a career in sports, injuries HAVE to be dealt with immediately! If you leave things at the last seconds, you will regret it, dumbass!" 

Kamitani couldn't argue. No, more like there was never an option to argue.

"You better have gone to a doctor for a final check up. I will be asking for proof, so don't you dare lie to me you have went when you haven't, got that?!" 

"Are you my Father???" 


"Sorry about Dad, Hayato. He gets worked up since he works with other sportsmen. Hearing you say the same thing as sports noobs got him triggered." 

"I am not a noob." 

"Well you're definitely far from a professional if Dad had to snap at you like that." Ranfa decided to walk Kamitani half way to his home. She also needed to go the shop and buy ice cream for the family so she might as well come along. 


"At least you know he cares about you." 

"Yeah, yeah." 

"I figured why you didn't say anything though. Knowing you, you probably don't want your Mom to worry." 

"She's grading a lot of papers." 

She smiled; he didn't say it but she knew he just doesn't want to worry his own mother. 

"Will you be fine on your own?" He asked her when she stopped at a convenience store. 

"I think you should worry about the moron who dared to make a jump at me. I'll see you tomorrow in the baby's room, got it?" 

"Then, good night." He patted her head with the un-injured hand. He was told not to use it too much so he will have to be careful about it. 

♥Days of Happiness♥Gakuen Babysitters♥Kamitani Hayato♥Where stories live. Discover now