Season 1: Episode 13/14

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Everyone froze where they stood. The rumbling shook the earth to its core and everyone who stood nearby. Eren grasped the large boulder in his titan form, slowly making his way towards the gate. On a close rooftop, Mikasa and Y/n watched in pure amazement. They watched as Eren's titan emitted large heaps of steam into the sky mixed with oranges and blues.

"Wow..." Y/n had finally managed to speak.

Her e/c orbs shined with passion as she watched the boy. No matter how strong she was, she had always looked up to his bravery and strength.

"Y/n! Mikasa!" Armin cried.

The blond boy zipped forward on his gear towards the two.

"Armin, you aren't hurt are you?" Y/n quickly asked before Armin could get a word in.

"No, I'm alright. Eren finally snapped out of it. He's determined to see this mission to the end. All we need to do is cover his back and victory will be ours!" Armin spoke out and caught everyone's attention in the meantime.

"Defend him! Till the last man if it has to be! I don't want a single titan, not even one near him, got it?!" Ian commanded.

"Yes sir!" Everyone chanted as they sprung into action.

"I need you beside Eren got it?! Make sure none get even remotely close to him." Ian looked at Armin, Y/n and Mikasa, who was standing behind him.

Before the three could follow their orders they saw team Mitabi running on ground level. Their eyes widened like saucers.

Ian was the first to speak, "Team Mitabi what are you doing?!"

"The ugly bastards won't even spare us a glance. We need to get close enough to grab their attention." Mitabi explained, he ran with two other soldiers following behind. Blades clutched in both hands.

They began to shout at the titans, which surprisingly worked to their advantage, as two of the titans had changed their pathing.

"Setting foot down there is suicide! If they get cornered there's absolutely nothing they can do." Armin pointed out with worry clear in his tone.

"Yeah. I know." Ian spoke, before leaping off the house and running on ground level with soldiers following behind.

"C'mon, we need to go," Mikasa said.

Eren was still holding the large boulder in his hands as he slowly continued to walk to the gate. He slowed his pace slightly when he saw his friends running around helplessly beneath him.

Everyone on the ground was slowly dying. A soldier was a little too cocky for his good before he was swallowed to death. Mitabi was crushed by flying rubble. People were being pulled apart like toys. Eaten like animals.


Y/n watched as Ian sacrificed himself willingly to save his comrade. She watched his final glare as he was bitten in half. All she could do was turn her head away from the horrible sight. Ian's death wouldn't be in vain that's all she could tell herself.


"There's still one ahead of us!" Armin pointed out.

"I'll take care of it!" Mikasa claimed.

Rico came flying down from the wall, her blades tight in her fists.

"Out of the way!" she shouted. She sliced the titans eye, blood splattering everywhere.

Seconds later, a large fist came colliding with Y/n.

She slide under the titan's hand and whipped herself around. The hook connected with the titans' nape before it was cleanly cut. The titan came crashing down beneath Eren's feet as he had finally shifted his body to place the boulder.

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