Season One: Episode 17/18/19

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(A/n): Although this seems like a lot of chapters merged into one, the only reason for doing this is because I only plan on telling the story from what Y/n and Eren can see. Meaning I've skipped the part where Armin, Jean and Reiner fight the female titan, hopefully, this makes sense!


Y/n clutched her horse tightly as they strode outside the gate, yet to take formation.

"A ten metre closing in from the left, support squad do your job!" Hange ordered, pointing to the rather chubby titan roaming around to the left of the Scouts.

Going in for the final slice seemed to be difficult for the support squad as their blade didn't cut deep enough.

"Shit, I didn't cut through their nape!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"Forget about, just focus on keeping him away from the formation!" The other responded urgently.

Y/n turned her sight away and instead focused on riding forward.

"Oluo, be straight with me, you think my friends have a shot at taking down a titan?" Eren asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

"I hope so if otherwise then what the hell have they been training for?" Oluo complained in response. "Listen, and listen good, we're the scouts which mean its time to choke down those fears- Ow!"

Like usual Oluo bit his tongue, causing Y/n to stifle a laugh.

"Long-range formation, go!" Erwin commanded, raising his right arm.

Each soldier followed his orders, slowly spreading out to form the long-range scouting formation.

As they rode further into the land, many red smoke signals shot up into the sky, informing the commander enough for him to change his course. Attacking titans head-on in open fields was a no go, meaning Erwin thought it was best to avoid the titans altogether.

After riding for what felt like hours, the Levi squad spotted the trees ahead.

"Sir, the side ranks are going around, do we follow?" Y/n quizzed as she watched the side ranks depart from the formation.

"No, we head straight through the forest," Levi replied, with his usual expressionless tone.

"Yes sir," The girl responded, although she began to wonder if something was amiss.

Erwin was known for his precise planning, it was unlikely he was unaware of the forest, so maybe he planned to use it, but for what exactly?

The Levi squad proceeded to tread through the forest, following Levi's orders.

"Captain, Captain Levi!" Eren shouted at the back of the group.

"What?" Levi said with a stern voice, almost as if he was fed up with Erens antics.

"What's going on sir, we're in a forest! We won't see a titan until it's right on top of us plus, the centre rank is cut off. Somethings coming up on the right, so what is it? So what are we supposed to do, avoid titans or defend the wagons?" Eren voiced his mind, in the process said what everyone else was thinking.

"Quit your whining and move on from the obvious already. Neither of those is an option anymore." Levi confirmed, keeping his grey eyes in front.

"What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you noticed what's around you? Take a look at these big ass trees, the perfect environment for Odm gear wouldn't you say? Take my advice Eren, calm down and use your head, the best survival tool is your brain."

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