Season Two: Episode 37

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The fumes lingered in the fields, its hot ash clouding the nearby distance. A horrific smile crept out from the shadows, the titan's weight shaking the Earth's crust.

"Eren, move!" Y/n ordered, pushing Eren to the ground.

The titan's hand paced its way towards the pair- who sat defenceless against the creature- watching as it stopped inches in front of them. Hannes placed himself in harm's way as he blocked the incoming attack.

"Are you insane?!" Eren snapped from behind Y/n's frame.

His blades dug into the titan's flesh, tearing off its fingers.

"Haha, can you believe this luck, crazy right? I've owed this to your mother. She'll finally have the vengeance she deserved!" Hannes laughed with arrogance, shooting his hooks forward.

"No, Hannes!" Eren yelled.

Hannes swung back and forth as he distracted the titan. Y/n groggily stood up, her body swaying with uneasiness, her blade loosely hanging in her hand.

"Y/n stop, you're in no shape to fight!" The brunette scolded firmly. "My hands, help me. Please, I have to be the one who kills that thing!"

Y/n hesitated, but after seeing the look of desperation on his features, she couldn't help herself. With one swift cut, Eren's arms were freed.

"This one belongs to me- you wait here!"

Y/n watched as he dashed forward, "Eren, don't go! We have to get you out of here."

The girl hurdled over in pain, her adrenaline slowly fading from what it was moments ago.

"After I've settled the score, stand back!" Eren made clear, reaching for his hand before taking a large bite.

Blood drew from his new wound, but no signs of lightning appeared. A look of desperation and anger overtook his features. Eren began biting his hand over and over, blood spilling from his new wounds.

The world around him was falling apart. People were being torn apart like animals, the titans demolishing most soldiers to cross their path. Crimson liquid oozed out from what remained of their corpses, staining the once beautiful green land.

Hannes slashed the titan's tendons, bringing it to its knees. Unfortunately, everything always has its silver lining. Everyone's luck runs out eventually.

The titan grabbed Hannes out from the sky, gripping its fingers tightly around his body. The blonde struggled against the sudden force; however, it was no use.

His crimson blood stained the flowers littered beneath his feet.

Y/n's mouth hung agape as she watched one of her only parental figures eaten from in front of her. She watched as Eren fell to his knees, tears leaking from his beautiful teal eyes.

Not cries, but laughter exited his mouth as his whole composure shattered beneath him.

"Look at you! You haven't grown up one damn bit!" He cried to no one but himself. "You're still as useless as you've ever been. Nothing's changed!"

His screams shattered the girl beside him, her heart aching for the boy.

"I'm sorry, Mother," Eren whimpered. "I still can't do anything, no matter how hard I try. I'm just a worthless little kid."

He sat up to hear Y/n's voice, the soft tone soothing his saddened state.

"Eren, all of that isn't true." Her hand delicately placed on his cheek, her thumb wiping the remnants of his tear.

The world around Eren eased, his mind blocking out the chaos around him. Their pairs of eyes clicked together, not wanting to tare away from one another.

"Thank you, Eren. You give me hope in this world. You've shown me how to live with purpose." Y/n spoke as small tears littered her face. "No matter what happens, you'll always be perfect to me, flaws and all. You're the light is my dull life, so thank you."

Y/n leaned forward, placing a small kiss on the boy's cheek, her hand not leaving the side of his face.

Eren stood to his feet, his heart patting against his shirt. Y/n's words sent shiver's through the entirety of his body. The feeling of her soft lips on his cheek made his heartbeat quicken.

"Y/n, I will always be by your side. No matter what it takes, I promise."

The smiling titan eyed the pair, reaching out to grab Eren. The brunette sent a punch to the middle of its palm, bashing it away from where he was standing.

In what seemed to be a miracle, titans from all around the vicinity ran forward- towards the smiling beast. They tore its flesh apart, leaving everyone stunned.

Eren lifted Y/n onto his back, placing her arms around his neck for support. The two quickly left the carnage.

"How is that possible? What's going on?" Y/n mumbled as she watched the horrific sight. "Why would they eat a titan?"

Eren eyed Reiner, who was quickly approaching the side of both him and Y/n, a look of distaste showing on his features.

He spun on his heel, staring the two traitors down. "Get away from us! You bastards, I'll kill you where you stand!"

The titans who were previously eating the smiling titan were now focused on Reiner and Bertolt, their body's snapping in their direction.

"What the hell's going on?" The brunette mumbled, watching as the titan's attacked both traitors.

Armin dashed over on horseback, his familiar blonde hair catching both Eren and Y/n's eye.

"Eren, can you ride?"

"Yeah," Eren affirmed with a nod.

"Then hurry!" Armin handed him a horse, placing the reins in his hand.

Eren grabbed Y/n by her waist, lifting her on top of the stallion before climbing up himself. The girl wrapped her arms around the brunette just as he sped up, making her bury her head into his back. The action caused a coating of blush to spread across Eren's face. Thankfully, the sunlight managed to hide it well.

The steady rocking of the horse trots made Y/n grow tired before her eyelids finally closed.


The warm sun settled against Y/n's face, her hands resting in the palm of her lap, both eyes watching the conversation that layout before her.

"I allowed myself to be kidnapped. It's my fault. Because of me, the Scouts lost half of their veteran ranks and all in a single rescue attempt." Eren commented, his voice sounding guilty as if he were to blame.

"Still though, there were no casualties on the way back," Armin replied. "The titans ignored us, too focused on Reiner and Bertolt. Jean and I assessed it on the way back. We believe they acted that way because of you."

"Just a thought, of course." Jean butted in. "As for an explanation, it's about as good as we got. I'm not saying I envy the position you're in. They might have died for nothing, but that all depends on you. If you're worth the sacrifice, then you better prove it because there's no time for second-guessing."

"You're right. I have to be decisive. If I really can control titans, then I have to plug up Wall Maria and make Reiner answer for what he's done. People died for me. I have to earn what they gave."


"Commander Erwin, I have some information about Y/n."

To be Continued...

A/n: I Thought I'd leave this chapter on a cliffhanger! Hopefully, this chapter sounds a lot better than the other one's I've been producing since I wasn't in a rush this time. Anyways I hope you've enjoyed it so far! (:

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