Season Two: Episode 32

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Eren's arm coiled back before his fist smashed into Reiner's titan. A blood-curdling scream screeched through the titan's mouth. Y/n dried her tear-stained face, a fit of newfound anger boiling from inside her.

Eren was quick to snatch her out of the sky, placing two hands around her, cupping the girl to his titan's chest. Both titan shifter's, Reiner and Eren, hit the ground with a thud, cracking the soil's surface.

Meanwhile, the colossal titan's half-formed body swiped Ymir into its larger hand. Its skinless face sent shivers down the soldiers' spines.

Reiner was the first to throw a punch at Eren, who stood defenceless. Without his hand's, there was nothing he could do to stop Reiner but he considered it worth it if Y/n made it out unscathed.

Y/n rested against Eren's chest tiredly. Being thrashed about really seemed to knock the wind out of her but it didn't stop her from opening her e/c eyes. She bashed against the boy's hands, knowing the longer she stayed, the more he'd risk his life to save her.

A glimpse of light peaked through, finally revealing the warm summer day. The clouds no longer consumed the sky, rain no longer hitting the girls face. Thankfully, Reiner still stood by the wall although he slowly made his way towards Eren's titan.

"Eren, don't worry about me!"

The dark-haired titan shifter peaked his head up from his lying position at the sound of Y/n's voice. Even with her request, he still felt the urge to protect her. His larger hand attempted to cover her but she stopped him.

"Eren, you can't do both." She shook her head, "So fight!"

The titan shifter nodded, watching as Y/n jumped off from his hand and onto the bright green grass.

Reiner's presence got closer and closer, his steps shaking the ground on which Y/n stood on. Looking back at Eren, who still sat on the ground, she couldn't help but feel worried. The thought dispersed from her mind as she chose to trust in her brunette friend.

She heard a scream erupt from Eren's titan as he was sent hurdling backwards. Reiner's armoured fist collided with his upper cheekbone.

"Shit," Y/n cussed out with worry as she turned on her heel heading towards the commotion.


"Gagh!" Eren yelled as he hit the floor with a thud.

"Damn take it easy, that hurt," he whined. "Aren't we supposed to hold back? It is only sparring after all."

Y/n smirked at this, "You're free to do as you want, but I'm going to assume you're coming at me with everything you've got."

"Besides, you're stronger than me so I have to make sure to protect myself," Y/n spoke, sarcasm laced in her tone.

"I'm the one who just got shoved in the dirt y'know," Eren murmured, standing up from the ground.

The girl hummed in agreement before dropping her gun. "It had nothing to do with strength, the move I mean. If that were the case you'd have beaten me. To put it simply I'm using a defence tactic."

Eren nodded as if asking her to continue without actually saying the words. Y/n was fast, she always had been but sometimes people truly forgot how incredible her combat skills were.

Y/n dashed to the left, wrapping her arm around the brunette's neck and underarm, kicking her back leg up. The next thing Eren knew, he was in a chokehold, barely being able to struggle free on the ground.

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