Season Two: Episode 26/27

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Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely new year! I'm ready to get back into writing again so hopefully, I can start uploading daily! Season four part two got me hyped so I'm more encouraged than usual.

Also, we hit 1k reads, love you guys so much! <33

Connie huffed considerably loud, his cheek smushed against his fist as head support. The boredom was clear on his face. Sasha sat beside him, the same unpleasant look on her features.

"Y'know, my village happens to be a little way south from where we are now," Connie stated plainly.

Sasha gave a hum in acknowledgement, "The town where I'm from is pretty close by too."

Meanwhile Y/n, Reiner and Bertolt were engrossed in a simplistic game of chess. Y/n watched as the two boys went back and forth taking their turns to move the wooden pieces.

"Connie, I'll help you if you want to go," Reiner mentioned, his eyes still focused on his game of chess.

"Yeah, why would you?" The bald boy said in response looking over his shoulder. 

"Doesn't this feel a little strange? We're on standby in our plain clothes. They won't let us wear our uniforms and we can't even train." Reiner stood up to look out the window. "What's even more suspicious is our superiors are armed to the teeth, we're inside the wall, not the front line. So who exactly are we fighting?"

Y/n sat up slightly, in her brown shirt and off-white skirt, turning her head away from the table. Of course, she knew the answer to Reiners questions although she had strict instructions not to tell anyone about the female titan. 

"I don't know, maybe they're worried about bears." Connie huffed.

"Sure, bears," Sasha added, her head still resting on her palm.

"All you need for bears are guns." Reiner voiced, returning to his seat beside Y/n.

Sasha couldn't take it anymore, she slammed her dead down on the table although her bored expression suddenly changed. Her golden eyes opened widely as she let out a small gasp. 

"Uh, guys I think I'm hearing footsteps!" Her voice wavered as she stood up dramatically. 

The other cadets perked up, wanting to know what the girl meant. 

"Sasha knock it off, so what, you trying to tell us titans are here?"

"That would mean wall Rose had fallen," Y/n cut Reiner off. The possibilities of there being titans so soon after the female titan's capture didn't surprise her. 

"Look I'm not pulling your leg, I hear something!" Sasha complained waving her arms about like a madwoman.

Nanaba opened the window Sasha was closest to, a worried look on her face. "Is everyone here?"

"What is it Nanaba?" Christa asked, standing up from her table.

"We've got company, approximately 500 metres to the south titans are heading this way." The blonde-haired woman informed, still perched on the window ledge. "There's no time to suit up with your Odm gear I want you all on a horse, stat. Evacuate every home and settlement in the area."

"The south, that's where my village is..." Connie mumbled, his eyes glued open.

"Do we know if the wall has really been breached?!" Reiner whispered to Bertolt, more panicked than he should have been.

Instantly everyone hurried outside to their horses.

Y/n perched a saddle on her dark horse, a thousand thoughts running through her mind. Her curiosity instantly began working away trying to figure out how the wall had been broken so quickly. Was it possible the Colossal had time to breach the wall? 

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