Season Two: Episode 35/36

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A/n: The amount of support I've been getting on this story recently is amazing, I just want you all to know I'm so grateful you all take your time to read this! <3

"Soldiers prepare to fight!" Erwin commanded from ahead of the formation.

More green smoke was shot into the sky as the scouts headed straight for the giant forest.

"That light..." Mikasa mumbled, staring off into the sea of dark green and oak brown.

"You saw it too right, from the forest? I think someone's transforming into a titan." Armin insisted as commander Ewin glanced towards him.

"We're out of time." He said to himself. "Soldiers, advance! The enemy has assumed titan form, find Eren and get him out of there!"

Y/n was one of the first to dash forward, dodging between the incoming titans. A stern look sat on the girl's features, determination swelling up from inside her. She perched herself up from her horse before leaping into the air. Her Odm hook grappled onto distant trees, the all too familiar sound screeching through her ears.

Her hues finally landed on the titan she knew to be Ymir hanging from a tree but Eren wasn't with her. This made the girl's stomach churn, something was clearly amiss.

Y/n's gut feeling was right as she watched Ymir swallow Christa whole.

Ymir rapidly swung through the forest, her titan ability fitting in perfectly with her surroundings. It wasn't long until they reached the edge of the forest, both Y/n and other soldier's pausing.

"What happened, did Ymir switch sides?" Y/n called out from the distance as she soon perched beside Armin.

"Apparently so, she took Christa with her." Armin filled in, watching as Reiner transformed before their eyes. "Damn it, they're getting away with Eren!"

The sound of galloping soon reached their ears, Hannes's voice followed. "Quick, get on your horses!"

All soldiers alike jumped from the tree's back onto their horses, riding for all their worth towards the armoured titan.

"Reiner's too slow we've got him," Jean remarked.

"I won't hesitate this time and if Ymir feels like getting in my way then so much the worst for her," Mikasa stated with a stoic look on her features.

Y/n nodded in agreement. You could say she'd never felt more determined. She couldn't help but feel she needed to prove herself, that she was more than someone who needed saving.

Y/n saw an opening and connected her gear to Reiner's shoulder. Ymir was quick to react, attempting to grab her but it was no use, Y/n had already sliced off what remained of Ymir's fingers.

"Reiner, protect us!" Bertolt yelled, cowering into Reiner's neck.

Y/n's blades hit his armour with a thud as she let out a scoff in anger, the next thing she knew Ymir attempted to grab at her again as she swung her arm over Reiner's shoulder.

It was clear to the h/c haired girl that Ymir was now an enemy.

Y/n dodged the attack, shifting her weight before launching herself once more. Just before her blade could make contact with Ymir's eye Christa showed herself.

"Y/n stop!" She cried out, "You're not going to kill Ymir, right?!"

Y/n furrowed her brows as she gained back her composure. "That's all depends on Ymir. Either she steps aside or we can hash it out like animals. It's her choice."

"That's not fair! She's been made to go along with them, she has to do as Reiner and Bertolt say so she's screwed either way!" Christa pleaded, her eye's staring into Y/n's e/c ones.

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