Season Three: Episode 38 Part Two

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"Hange and the others are back. We're meeting in the main room!" Sasha declared. 

Soon after, everyone began piling into the main room. Y/n caught a glimpse of Eren, who already seemed to have his eyes on her. 

Since the previous night, the two hadn't said much to each other, what was there to say? 

"Now, what's this about?" Levi quizzed, earning everyone's gaze. 

"I'm sorry, Pastor Nick was murdered. Today, in the Trost barracks." Hange stated with small hints of guilt in her tone. "I figured the church would want to get their hands on Nick after they'd learnt he was cooperating with the scouts. That's why I hid his identity and made him stay in the barracks. I'd never imagined they would use soldiers to kill him. This is my fault, I should have been more careful."

The room went silent as everyone was deep in thought. Armin managed to break the quietness. 

"They tortured him presumably for information? Did they want to know exactly what he passed onto us?"

"Most likely. These are the Interior Mp's we're dealing with, so you can bet there's something deeper going on here." Levi responded with his usual tone of voice. "How many nails were the good Pastor missing? How many?"

Hange let out a small hum, "I only caught a glimpse of him but all the nail beds I saw were empty."

"People who talk are more likely to talk after one. After that, it won't make much of a difference. I'm impressed. I didn't think highly of Pastor Nick but whatever his faults, he stuck by his faith to the end. This means they have no idea we know about the Reiss Family or Y/n." Levi stated. "The government are up to something and we all have a target on our backs."

Y/n raised her brow at the comment, what was there to know about her that she wouldn't have already known? She scanned the table, noticing everyone gave each other knowing looks. She couldn't help but feel left out like there was something she was yet to be told.

"Captain Levi sir!" Nifa burst through the door of the cabin, a letter held in her palm. "I have a message from Commander Erwin. I went to tell him about Pastor Nick but instead, he gave me this and sent me off."

Levi narrowed his eyes at the letter before they opened slightly in shock. "Get your gear now, we're leaving. Make it look like we were never here."

Everyone scattered from the table to gather their things.


Y/n watched as the MPs bombarded the once preoccupied cabin. 

"That was close," Connie said, watching from beside the girl. "What if they had caught us? Would they rip our nails off?"

"It's possible." Y/n shrugged, her eyes never tearing away from the distant cabin. "We're safe, for now, and that's all that matters."

Connie hummed in agreement.

"How did Commander Erwin know they were heading here?" Armin quizzed as he turned to look at Levi.

"The government has passed down some new orders, there's been a freeze in all Scout activity outside the wall. We're to hand Eren, Historia and Y/n over." Levi stated with a monotone voice. 

"Captain, I didn't have time to tell you but some MPs came for the Commander right after I'd left him," Nifa mentioned.

"What, like he's some form of criminal?" Hange gasped.

"They're bringing this fight out into the open, no more working from the shadows." 

Y/n spared a glance at Levi, his words echoing through her head. She couldn't have felt more in the dark.

"They're going to protect the walls secrets at any cost, but why? I can't seem to understand what they want Eren, Historia and Y/n for, I mean, they don't want them dead. So what are they planning?" Hange pondered, holding their chin in deep thought.

"Who knows. All we do know is that they want these three and they're not being subtle about it, which makes lingering here dangerous." Levi commented. "We'll move Eren, Historia and Y/n to Trost."

"We're going to take them to the city where Pastor Nick was just murdered?" Moblit questioned, his mouth hanging slightly open. 

"Heading to the interior would be worse, at least whilst Tost is in uproar we can slip in easily. Plus if things turn for the worst, we can use these." Levi brushed off his cape revealing the Odm gear strapped to his thighs.

"That's true." Armin agreed.

"We don't know the identity of our enemy yet, I have an idea of how we can change that." Levi's words startled the others. "Hange, I'll need you to lend me some of your squad."

Hange nodded firmly, "Understood. I'll be going after commander Erwin. Moblit's with me, everyone else will be going with captain Levi."

"Understood!" Hange's squad chanted in unison.

Just as Hange was proceeding to their horse, Eren decided to speak up. "Hange, I wrote down a conversation I remembered between Ymir and Bertolt. It's all there."

Hange removed the note from his hands, "Thank you, I'll take a look at it later."

The sound of horse trots echoed through the forest as both Hange and Moblit proceeded forward.


To be Continued... 

A/n: Hii, I just thought I'd quickly release this small chapter so that chapter 38 was complete, don't worry though as I've nearly finished writing chapter 39 which should be uploaded soon! <3

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