Season Two: Episode 34

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A/n: We hit 100 votes, thank you all so much! (:

The smell of grass wandered the empty fields. The cloaked soldiers dashed through the vast lands of green, each squad taking precautions in case titans were to appear.


"You're awake, welcome back."

Eren's eye's landed on Reiner, who was perched on a branch just slightly above him. His mouth was left agape, staring at the people he used to consider friends. A look of distaste etched onto the boy's features as he noticed his lack of limbs.

"What the hell- my arms!" He broke out into panic.

"Eren, I'm not in any better shape here. Seems we're both having a shit day." Ymir shrugged, nodding towards her half-grown leg and arm.

"Ymir, what did they do to me?" Eren questioned, his brows furrowing.

"Sorry, that'd be my fault. You can pin your injuries on me, guess I was in a hurry back there. Bit your nape without thinking." Reiner mentioned.

"So... I lost."

The area went silent as everyone stared at each other awkwardly. It didn't take long for Eren to bite his arm (or what remained of it.)

"Easy there hot head, take a look at where we are. We're in the giant forest back in Wall Maria, Wall Rose is a long way away. We're deep in titan country." Ymir gestured to the titans below them. "Our little friend down there may look like he's just kicking back, but his eyes haven't left us once. Lot's of the smaller one's down there too."

"Another big one over there strikes me as the shy type. Then, there are these chumps, dirty bastards. They have the foresight to bring Odm gear, of course, Reiner taking yours. Point is, turning into a titan ain't going too much right now."

"She's right," Reiner joined in, "you can't turn into titans anyway. I wouldn't count on that ability coming to the rescue. Your bodies can only take so much and right now it's occupied with healing."

Eren almost scoffed, turning to look Reiner in the eyes. "Nice try but do you expect me to take the words of a lier?"

"We're sort of at a disadvantage here, it's not like we know the ins and outs of how this works. Unlike you guys, I'm practically clueless about the whole thing." Ymir admitted. "Hey Reiner, you said you'd start talking once Eren was awake. Don't you think it's time one of you explained?"

"Once we've retrieved Y/n, we'll be taking you all to our home town. Of course, I realise none of you will do as I ask, like Ymir was saying though, this place is crawling with titans. They're everywhere. Hell, we could beat each other to death if you'd prefer but I wouldn't recommend it. We wait for nightfall."

Eren clenched his jaw at the mention of Y/n, he still had no idea what she had to do with any of this.

"So why not just run all the way home, why wait until nightfall? Was there a point in stopping here in the first place?" Ymir quizzed. "You get winded and have to take a break or something?"

"Why don't you use your imagination," Reiner stated plainly.

"Wait, those titan's at the castle had no issue moving around at night, what's stopping these guys?" Ymir scoffed, pointing to the titans below.

"These titans aren't able to move at night but then you know all about that don't you Ymir?"

Ymir and Reiner stared each other down for what felt like hours, leaving Eren baffled. Was Ymir on his side, or theirs?

"What's Y/n have to do with any of this, she a titan or something?" Ymir spoke her mind, raising one brow quizzically.

"It's complicated," Reiner said, rubbing his temples. "Let's just say her bloodline could be of use to our home town."

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