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Dabria Ross sat in front of her mirror, brushing her straight, bright blonde hair while she hummed silently along to the song she had playing in the background. She tied her hair up, getting read for bed.

It was the first day of school tomorrow and surprisingly she wasn't even that nervous. She had already called one of her best friends, Lydia Martin, about what she will be wearing because 'it's crucial to make a good impression'.

She now was ready to settle into bed for the night.

Until a noise came.

A small tap on her window caused the girl to almost shriek in terror. Her curtains were closed so she had no idea if anyone was even there.

She decided it would probably be best to just ignore it since it was probably only a bird or something.

Another tap was heard. Louder this time.

And another, and another.

She knew now that it was clearly knocking and not tapping.

She searched her room for anything to protect herself with but found herself defenceless. Not like she would be very good at defending herself anyway.

"I've got a gun," she lied, putting on a deeper voice in order to sound more intimidating in the hopes whoever is there will just go away. "And I'm not afraid to use it."

She timidly raised her shaking hand towards the curtain, letting her fingers graze the soft material slightly while she mentally said her goodbyes to her loved ones.

She slowly but surely raised the fabric to see what was so desperate to get her attention, swallowing away the obvious fear she was feeling.

But nothing was there.

She didn't know why but she was slightly disappointed. If she did get murdered it would be a cool way to die. Now she will probably die of old age or something. Boring.

Still not convinced, she opened her window and poked her head out.

"Hello-" she cut herself off with a scream.

Two figures jumped into view from either side of her window, shouting words she couldn't make out.

She jumped back into her room out of pure shock, sitting up against the wall, panting.

Her brows furrowed together when she heard... laughter?

"You should've seen the look on your face." a voice she knew all too well said between hysterical laughter.

Dabria quickly realised that it was her two idiotic best friends and not a psychotic murderer.

"I hate you both." she hissed, glaring at the two teens in front of her. "I thought you guys were murderers or some sort of predators!"

Stiles Stilinski stepped in front of her, offering his hand to help her up while Scott McCall shut the window again.

She has been best friends with them for as long as she could remember and she loved the pair with her whole heart. The trio were as close as they could be.

When Stiles' mother died and Scott's father left she was there for the pair of them and they were there for her when she found out she was adopted. Her situation may not have been as bad as loosing a family member but she was still angry and sad about the whole situation.

And the worst part was that her adoptive mother refused to give any information on her biological parents. But she did notice how the colour seemed to drain from her face whenever she asked about them.

She wasn't even sure if she wanted to know anymore.

Refusing her friends hand, Dabria stood up by herself and walked straight past the pair and sat on her bed, ignoring the way Stiles' mouth dropped at her rudeness.

Scott smirked at the blonde's behaviour, also seeing Stiles' mouth drop.

"Do I even want to know what you guys are doing here?" she asked with a sigh, pausing the music she was listening to while she waited for an explanation.

"Yes." Stiles answered enthusiastically while Scott said. "No."

Stiles gave the floppy haired boy a small glare before turning back to the Ross girl that was sitting cross legged on her bed. "Okay so me and my dad were at home, right? And then he just suddenly gets up and leaves and me being me I had to check out what was going on."

He stopped his rambling for a minute to take a deep breath before continuing. Dabria looked over a Scott, confusion written all over her face, Scott gave her a shrug before turning back to Stiles.

"So it turns out Dispatch called. They want every officer from the Beacon Department, and even the state police." Stiles beamed with excitement.

"Why? What's going on?" Dabria furrowed her eyebrows, suddenly finding the boys words interesting.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles answered even more enthusiastic now that she showed signs of interest.

"A dead body?" she asked in a surprised tone. She knew it was obviously a dead body but she couldn't help the words slipping out.

"No a body of water. Yes, dumb-ass, a dead body." Stiles answered, almost too quickly.

"You can't say the same stupid, sarcastic remark twice Stiles." Scott rolled his eyes, wishing he was in bed right now.

"It doesn't count, she didn't hear it the first time." Stiles said back in a matter-of-fact voice.

Dabria ignored them, trying to process what Stiles said. "Who killed them?"

"Nobody knows yet. They don't even know if it was a murder." Stiles stated, pacing around the room frantically, unable to keep still.

"All we know is that it was a girl, probably in her 20s." Scott finished, remembering what Stiles had told him.

"And the best part is they only found half the body so now we can find the other half." Stiles said, raising his voice a little too loud for Dabria's liking.

She shushed him. "Can you keep it down? I'm pretty sure mum is in her room." she whispered angrily.

"We're going, Brie." Stiles declared, ignoring the glares sent his way.

"Stiles, I just want to sleep. I even have my pyjamas on!" the girl complained, gesturing to the clothes she was wearing.

Stiles was too excited to even notice the fact that she was wearing some pretty short shorts and a crop top. He had seen Dabria in stuff like that before but yet he still had to stop himself from blushing.

I mean, wouldn't anyone get nervous when their crush was in front of them showing so much skin?

"Which is why we will wait downstairs for you while you get changed." Scott said, placing his hands on the short haired boys shoulders, snapping Stiles out of his thoughts as he lead him out of the room.

"Did you have to stare at her?" Scott whispered into his ear once Dabria had closed the door while she changed.

"Wha- I don't know what you're talking about." Stiles stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I wasn't even looking at her."

"Dude, you totally were. When are you going to grow the balls to ask her out?"

"Shhhhh. She might hear you." Stiles snapped his head towards the direction of the blonde room just to make sure she wasn't there.

When she finally came down the stairs, no longer wearing her pyjamas, the trio made there way over to the Beacon Hills preserve in Stiles' blue jeep.

What could go wrong?


a short chapter to start off.

vote and comment :)

i love stiles with my whole heart

also like i'm just writing this for fun so don't expect much.

thanks for reading :)

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  ▸ Stiles Stilinski ¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt