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She made it into school, trying to keep her head down to avoid Stiles. And Scott considering he's terrible at keeping secrets and would just tell Stiles.

She was at her locker when Allison approached her. "Hey, you okay? I heard about what happened last night."

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just some sort of animal attack," Brie waved it off. "But who cares about then when its a certain someone's birthday!"

Allison shushed her. "You know I don't like it when people know my birthday."

"I got you something," she ignored her, reaching into her locker. She took out the small box she had for her.

"You didn't have to," she said as Brie placed it into her hands.

"Open it," she smiled.

Allison smiled before opening the wrapping paper carefully. She opened the small jewellery box and took out the beautiful necklace. It was a small crystal ball with silver wrapping around it.

The brunette smiled, and looked up at her blonde best friend. "Brie, it's beautiful. I love it."

"I'm glad," she beamed, taking the last few books from her locker. "Now, I would love to stay and chat but alas, school awaits."

Just as she turned around, the principal called on her. "Dabria, my office."

She froze, turning back to Allison with wide eyes. "What the fuck did I do now?" she whispered before saying goodbye to Allison and making her way to the principals office.

Surprisingly, Jackson was already sitting in one of the chairs. She furrowed her brows in confusion and took the seat next to him.

"No need to worry, your not in trouble," the principal started with a smile. "I had just heard about the incident last night, and we wanted to check in with you both."

Brie relaxed into the chair, thankful she wasn't in trouble this time. "Thank you sir, but we really are okay," she spoke for them both. "Just a little shocked is all."

"Yes, that is understandable. If you need any help at all or want any counsilling set up, you know where to call," he continued.

Brie kept the polite smile on her face but wanted nothing more then to get out of here. She didn't feel like smiling.

"Now, I won't keep you from class for much longer. If you have no more questions, you are free to leave at any time."

Brie took the chance and thanked the principal one more time before leaving with Jackson in her trail.

On there walk to class they didn't speak much until Brie broke the silence. "Is Lydia doing okay? She seemed pretty shocked when I called her last night and she hasn't answered my calls or texts since."

"She's fine," Jackson replied grimly. "Or at least she will be anyway. It was just a weird experience."

"Yeah, that's true."

No more words were said until they made it into class. They were late considering the principal held them back. They didn't say anything as they walked in and just found some seats. Reluctantly, she took the seat beside Stiles seeing as it was the only one left. She avoided meeting his eyes.

Mr. Harris approached both her and Jackson once they were seated. "Brie, Jackson. If you need to leave for any reason, you let me know."

She raised an eyebrow at him before nodding. It wasn't like Mr. Harris to actually show kindness to any of his students, especially not her.

"Everyone, start reading chapter nine." He went on with the class. "Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a colouring book."

Brie couldn't help but let out a giggle as she turned towards Stiles to see him with the lid of his highlighter in his mouth. He rolled his eyes before spitting the lid into the air and catching it.

He turned to her, a serious look on his face. "I thought you said you weren't coming in," he whispered to her.

"I wasn't but then I woke up this morning feeling fine so I decided there's no point taking the day off, you know?" she whispered back, making sure Mr. Harris couldn't hear them

"What did you see last night? You seemed pretty traumatised," he asked, not taking his eyes away from her. "Was it the Alpha?"

She nodded, looking ahead of her, recalling the events form the night before. "It knew my name, Stiles," she barely whispered. "And when it said my name, I saw something."

She struggled to find the right words and looked to him for a reaction. He had his eyebrows raise, and the he furrowed them. "He knew you name?"

"Well, my first name anyway. But he didn't say Ross. He said Dabria Abaddon."

Stiles paused. "That's definitely creepy," he started. "What did you see?"

It took her a moment for her to reply. She remembered the imagine so clearly but she wasn't sure she wanted to share it with anyone until she truly figures out what it means. "It's hard to explain. The memory is gone all blurry now," she lied.

"Hey, don't worry," he said, taking her hand in his. "We'll figure it out, okay? It will all be okay."

She gave him a smile before he turned to Danny. "Hey Danny. Can I ask you a question?"

"No." Danny stated which made Brie laugh silently.

"Hey Danny, how've you been?" she asked him nicely.

"I've been great, Brie. What about you?" he replied smiling at his friend.

"I'm fantastic," she winked at Stiles who rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm going to ask you anyway," Stiles chimed in, letting go of Brie's hand. "Did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows. Why would Stiles care about Lydia?

Danny sighed. "No."

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles asked again.

"Do you want him to hate you?" Brie whispered to him with a laugh.

"Answer's still no," Danny replied.

"Does anyone know what Jackson and Lydia saw last night?"

"He wouldn't tell me," Danny replied, quieter this time. "Why don't you ask your girlfriend? She was there."

"Danny," Brie warned.

"He wouldn't tell you? But isn't he your best friend?" Stiles asked, not even paying enough attention to notice the whole 'girlfriend' thing.

Danny went quiet, shaking his head slightly.

"One more question?"

"What?" Danny was getting annoyed now.

"Do you find me attractive?"

Brie had to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing so hard. Danny gave her a 'is he serious?' look which only made her laugh more. Stiles even fell off the chair, which was just the cherry on top.

He got up as quickly as he fell down. Danny finally looked at Stiles with a smirk on his face.

"I may not find you attractive, but I think I know someone who does," he said before winking at Brie. Luckily Stiles didn't see the wink but he definitely heard what he said.

"Really? Who?" he asked, but before Danny could answer the bell went and he left quickly.

"See ya, Brie," he called before leaving.

"Wait, you can't just say that and then not give me a name-" Stiles tried calling after him but he was long gone. He turned back at Brie who just shrugged and gave him a wink before leaving the room herself.


thanks so much for almost 600 reads that crazy!

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