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When the final bell rang, indicating the start of the first class, Dabria had to part ways with the Martin girl. She walked to class as quick as she could, hoping to get a good seat. The best ones were near the back, or the window.

When she entered the classroom she saw that Stiles and Scott were already in there seats. When Stiles noticed the blonde girl enter he gestured to the empty seat in front of him that he had saved for her. It was beside the window.

She sent him a thankful smile before making her way over. Her seat was in front of Stiles and beside Scott.

She started short conversation with the two before the teacher began with the class.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night," the teacher started while writing something on the board. Stiles shot Scott a wink and Brie rolled her eyes, a small smirk on her face.

The teacher continued in the same dull, uninterested tone as before. "And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody,"

Brie looked back to Stiles with her brows furrowed. Stiles shrugged, signalizing he had no idea who his dad suspected. His dad never trusted him enough with information like that.

"Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester."

A groan could be heard from the students as the teacher made that last statement. Brie skimmed through the syllabus, not giving it much attention like most students in the class.

After a few minutes of silence the door opened, revealing the vice principal and a young girl.

The girl was pretty. Dark brown, slightly curled hair, brown eyes, fair skin and a slim body. She seemed nervous standing in front of the class as the vice introduced her.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent." the vice announced. "Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

The new girl, Allison, made her way down towards the only empty seat which happened to be beside Scott. Brie gave her a kind smile when she made eye contact with her.

She kept her eyes on the Argent girl as she took the empty seat behind Scott. The floppy haired teen boy looked as through he had just seen an angel as he turned around and gave Allison a pen.

Brie raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face as she realised Scotty seemed to have taken a liking to the new girl. She made sure to tease him about it later.

"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page 133," the teacher announced.


When classes finally ended, Brie walked with her two best friends to their lockers. They were lucky enough to have lockers pretty close to each other.

"Mr. Barfoot literally hates me, I'm telling you." Brie complained to the two boys. "He called on me, like, twenty times in the space of 10 minutes."

"He is just a cruel man, Brie. Everyone knows that." Stiles sighed, opening his locker and placing a few books he didn't need back.

"Who gives 15 pages for homework on the first day back?" Brie ranted, leaning up against the some random locker between the pair.

The blonde noticed Scott's attention was elsewhere. She followed his gaze and was met with the new girl from earlier. She smirked at her floppy haired best friend.

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  ▸ Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now