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forty two

"Are you excited for tonight?" Allison asked her blonde best friend as they changed out of their gym clothes. "Because I sure am."

"I have no idea what to wear," Brie complained.

"Which is why you will be coming over to my house beforehand so i can help you choose something."

"I hope it all goes well," Brie took off her sports top to change into her normal top.

"You never know, Stiles could take you home, you could both go up to your room and, you know, one thing leads to another and..." she began to make kissy noises which caused Brie to push her away playfully.

"Oh, stop it Mrs. McCall."

They laughed as Lydia came over. "So, what are we doing tonight?" The strawberry blonde asked. "I want to hang out."

Allison and Brie shared a look. "Actually, we were going to go Ice Skating," Brie said awkwardly.

"Great," Lydia chirped. "I love Ice Skating. What time are we going?"

"Well, it was going to be a double date, Lydia," Allison spoke.

"Oh, it's okay, I don't need a date," Lydia waved her hand dismissively. "I need a break from boys anyway. This would be a good distraction."

Brie didn't have the heart to tell her no. She's just been so upset over Jackson, even if she says she isn't, Brie knows her better.

"Of course," she smiled. "So glad you can make it."

Just then, Brie felt herself begin to shake slightly. She completely zoned out on the conversation happening and focused on what she was feeling. Someone needed help she could see it. It was Erica. She was on the climbing wall. She ran out of the locker room and into the Gym as quick as she could.

Just as she thought, Erica was there on the wall having a seizure. Seconds, later Scott joined her.

"She going to fall," she said to Scott as they ran over. "Catch her!"

Just as she said that Erica fell. Luckily, Scott was there in time to catch her. Brie found herself frozen in place as Scott caught her. Something stopped her from saving Erica. It's almost as if she didn't want Erica to be saved for a moment.

She shook off those thoughts and ran over to Scott.

Stiles and Allison joined them instantly as they knelt over Erica.

"Put her on her side. Put her on her side," Allison told them and Brie did as she was told. "How did you guys know?"

"I just felt it," Scott explained.

"Yeah, same," Brie nodded. "Like I could see it happen before it did. But it's weird," she continued, staring ahead.

"What's weird?" Stiles asked placing his hand over her comfortingly.

"It's like I didn't want to save her," Brie explained with furrowed brows. "It's like a part of me wanted her to die."

No one said anything after that. No one quite knew what to say.


Brie sat with Scott in the cafeteria, waiting for Stiles to get the keys to the Ice Rink off Boyd.

"Oh, by the way, Lydia's going to come to the double date with us," she told him quickly, hoping he wouldn't be mad.

"What? Why?" He asked widening his eyes for a split second. "She, like, hates me."

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  ▸ Stiles Stilinski ¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant