|36| season 1 finale

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thirty six

Brie's eyes flew open.

Her memories from what happened the other night came flooding into her head.

Jenny, who was waiting in one of the chairs in the room came rushing to her side once she noticed she was awake.

"Oh, thank the lords you're awake," she said, almost on the verge of tears. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Where am I?" she asked, not recognising the room at first. "Where's Stiles?"

The last thing she could remember was Stiles calling her name. And then she passed out. Why did she pass out?

"Let me get a doctor," her mother said before walking towards the door and shouting out that she had woken up.

Melissa was the first to come into the room. "Hey, honey, how you feeling?" she asked, checking her temperature and sitting beside her on the bed.

"Fine," the girl responded. "I have a bit of a pain in my back."

Suddenly the memories came rushing back to her. Peter scratching her back, wings coming out of her?

Jenny eyed her suspiciously but didn't question anything while the nurse was there.

Another doctor came into the room. "Oh finally," he smiled. "I was wondering when you would wake up."

"What happened?" Brie asked innocently.

"That's what we were hoping you would tell us," the doctor chuckled, checking over vitals and stuff. "Your friend found you like this. You and another girl who I believe is another friend of yours...."

"Lydia," she finished. "Is she okay? Where is she?"

"Calm down, Brie," Melissa said softly. "She's just in the room next door, she woke up slightly before you."

"Do you remember what caused this attack, Brie?" the male doctor asked. "It seems to be some sort of animal attack but we can't quite place it."

She paused, as if trying to think. "I can't remember," she lied. "My memory is gone all clouded. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart," Jenny smiled, holding her hand comfortingly.

"Yes, get some rest," Melissa said, getting up again. "You'll be here for the next few days so we can watch you. Just get plenty of rest."

"Hey, Melissa?" she asked as she was leaving. "Do you know if Stiles came by?"

Melissa laughed. "Stiles would not leave those chairs out there," she told her while the rest left the room apart from Jenny. "We had to force him to go home to take a shower. Even so, I'm sure he will be running back here very shortly."

"Really?" she couldn't help but smile. "Sounds like him."

"Yeah," she smiled. "Get some rest."


It wasn't long until Stiles came rushing through the door.

"You're awake," he said, out of breath from running. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll leave you two alone," Jenny winked before getting up to walk out the door.

Stiles began to walk towards the girl in a hospital bed. "You okay?"

"Confused," she sighed. "I just don't understand what happened."

"Yeah, you can say that again," Stiles sat on the bed beside her. "You grew wings, had horns and a yellow halo thingy. Not exactly a normal experience."

"My back still hurts from the whole experience," she laughed. "And I think it may leave a scar."

"It like like you turned into an angel,"  Stiles said.

"Or a demon," the blonde took a drink of her water. "Or a mix of both. How's Lydia?"

"Well, her bite isn't healing like Scott's did but she's woken up," Stiles explained. "We have no idea what she is."

"Is it possible the bite just didn't work?" Brie suggested. "Maybe she's still human."

"No idea," Stiles said. "So, about the dance."

Brie chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, I think we should talk about that," she messed with her sheets nervously.

He looked at her. "I meant what I said," the boy said sincerely. "I like you, a lot. Too much, actually."

"I like you, too," she smiled. "I have for the past few months, I was just too stubborn to admit it."

"Hah, I win," he teased. "I've liked you since the day we met and I even told Scott about it."

"Are you serious?" she asked in shock. "How did I not notice?"

"No idea," he laughed. "I wasn't exactly subtle about it either."

"So....." the blonde looked up at him. "What now?"

Stiles smiled. "Well," he started before getting on one knee before her and dramatically holding out his hand to her. "Dabria Ross, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend."

Brie laughed, taking his hand just as dramatically. "Mieczyslaw Stilinski-"

"Okay, that's not fair-"

She didn't let him speak, interrupting him to continue what she was saying. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

The Stilinski boy broke into a huge smile. "Good," he got up and kissed her on the lips. It was short and sweet but Brie still blushed.

They heard silent cheering from outside the hospital room window. The looked over and saw Scott, Jenny and Melissa all celebrating silently.

Once they noticed that they had attracted Brie and Stiles' attention they turned away again, acting as though they were never even watching.

Scott came into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Hate to interrupt," he said, making his way over to them. "You seem to be feeling better, Brie."

"I am feeling much better, thank you, Scott," she voiced.

"Heard you grew wings after Peter scratched you," he went on. "Doesn't sound like a very werewolf thing to do."

"That's because she's not a werewolf," Stiles spoke up.

"What happened while I was out?"

"Well, Kate and Peter are dead. Allison knows about me being a werewolf, she was mad at first but then she kissed me in my werewolf form."

"Jackson and I sorta saved Scott from being killed by the Alpha by throwing those Self- igniting cocktail things at him," Stiles added. "He went up in flames."

"Damn," Brie chuckled. "I'm sorry I missed it."

"Eh, you have a good enough excuse," Stiles shrugged. "You were kind of unconscious."

Both Stiles and Scott pulled up a chair to sit down beside the girls bed.

"Things are going to change," Brie stated.

"Yeah, a lot," Stiles added. "I don't think we will see another day of normal in our life."

"I don't even know what normal is anymore," Scott joked.

"But one thing I know will stay the same," she reached down and grabbed both of their hands. "We will always have each other."

"I feel kinda left out," Stiles admitted in a joking tone. "Why am I the only one that's human now?"

The trio laughed, knowing that anything could happen now.

This definitely wasn't the end.


so close to 1000 reads now!!!!!!!

vote if you actually liked season 1

season 2 isn't my fav but it's still good. also getting closer and closer to season 3!!! ahhhhh!!!

don't forget to vote and maybe comment!!!!!

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