Chapter 70

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Chapter 70




It only took moments for the portal to fizzle away, and when it did, I landed on my back with a hard thud.

"Well, can't say I saw this one coming." I painfully groaned.

"Where the heck did she send us?" Aurelia huffed, rolling off me to stand up.

I surveyed our surroundings and quickly determined we were on a beach. There were cliff-like mountains in the distance, and all behind us. The beach itself was vastly large, until it reached the base of the rocky mountains. The view of the ocean was incredible, and if we hadn't just been sent here by evil, for some unknown reason, I probably could've appreciated it more.

"Well we're definitely not in my Kingdom." I grumbled as the uncomfortable sun beat down on my icy skin.

"Are we even in the realm? It looks so...earthy." Aurelia spun in a slow circle, taking in the land as well.

"I mean, there could be magical beaches here, too, Rel." I pointed out.

"I know, but, you know what I mean. Like, my forest, you can tell it's magical. But this beach just seems so...not."

"I don't think it really matters whether we're on Earth, or in the realms. What matters is we're stranded on a beach, that feels a lot like an island."

"Maybe it's not. Maybe there's a village around or something." I can tell she was trying to stay calm, but the panic was brewing just under the surface.

"Well, let's start walking." I suggested.

Grabbing her hand in mine, we started walking along the shore. I prayed that there would eventually be a break in the mountains that would allow us inland, and we'd find some kind of indication of where we are.

"I just don't understand." Aurelia grumbled to herself after several moments of silence. "It didn't follow us. It didn't send anyone to come kill us. It just...sent us here. Why?"

"I don't know." I wish I could say more, but I was too tired from battle, and just as confused as her.

"What if, because we're the only ones that can stop It, they sent us away so they can slaughter everybody without us in the way. Alex, our friends are there still! They're going to kill everyone!" Her panic started to burst through as she was struck with an anxiety attack. "We have to get out of here!"

Yanking her hand from my grip, she started shooting magic from her palms, trying to make a portal. Her magic wasn't strong enough, and nothing she tried was working. Her failed attempts only made the panic attack progressively worse.

"Aurelia, babe." I tried stopping her, but she only freaked out more. "Rel, stop! Calm down. Stop."

"I can't lose anyone else! I'm going to lose them!"

"Princess, stop. This isn't going to help." I held her tightly against me, running my fingers through her hair.

She finally slumped in exhaustion, and her yells turned into small whimpers. "Alex..."

"I know, I know. I'm right here." I did my best to console her, although truthfully, I'm freaking out inside, too. "At least we're together. They didn't separate us this time." I truly was grateful we were together. I wouldn't be able to handle it if they took her from me again. At least now, I can verify she's safe.

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