Chapter 4

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Chapter 4




I never knew a mere two and a half days could feel like a century. Then again, I don't think I've ever been so anxious and excited in my life. I don't know what it is, but something about Alex...I can't even explain it. I've never been the girl to fall fast, and I've only had a few crushes in my life. So the fact I'm almost already at the halfway stage of crushing, is strange to me. I feel like I should be more cautious, but my danger feelers are completely broken where he is involved.

"I'm being stood up. He's not coming." I whined, shaking with nerves.

"Rel, relax. He said he'd be here at eight. It's only seven forty-five." Evan mumbled from the living room couch, his mouth full of popcorn.

"I'm a psychic. I see the future."

"Chill, he'll be here, Ms. Drama Queen. Now can you pace somewhere other than in front of the telly? I'm trying to watch footie." He waved me off.

"Do you even have a home? Why are you always here?" I snapped, standing right in front of the TV.

"You try living with four younger siblings, and tell me if you'd rather be home."

I rolled my eyes, and stomped off to the kitchen. I couldn't disagree with him there. I love all his sisters, and little brother, but sometimes they're a bit too much for me.

"Mom, break out the ice cream, my heart is broken." I dramatically slumped onto a stool.

"What? Who do I need to kill?" My dad shot up from his chair.

"Sit down, David. No need to be rash." My mom socked him in the arm. "Honey, what happened?"

"I'm in too deep. I've only spoken to the guy for a combined total of fifteen minutes, and only five of that was face to face, and I'm already obsessed with him. What's wrong with me?!" I dropped my head onto the table, maybe a little too hard.

"Sunshine, you're asking the wrong person." Dad chuckled. "You know how much your mother believes in 'love at first sight'."

"And you don't?! You're one to talk! You were practically obsessed with me when we first met!" Mom gasped in offense.

"I never said I didn't! I'm just warning her!"

"Ugh! This is hopeless!" I cried, breaking up my parents mini fight. "Love doesn't exist. He's gonna stand me up on the first date and I'm gonna be alone forev-"

I was interrupted from my dramatics by the doorbell ringing.

"He's early!" I cheered excitedly, at the same time Evan shouted an over eager, "I'll get it!"

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I screeched, making a run for the door. I felt my body hit the floor as he tackled me out of the way. I fought out of his grasp and reached for the door, only for him to pull me back and step in front of me. I jumped on his back, causing him to stumble. "I will not let you embarrass me again!"

"I wouldn't dream of such a thing." I could clearly hear the mocking tone in his voice.

I knocked him over and quickly yanked the door open, coming face to face with a shocked, and amused, Alex.

"Bye!" I yelled over my shoulder, quickly stepping out and slamming it shut before anyone could say anything dumb.

"Is everything okay?" He had a smirk on his face.

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